Beyond Pain

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” Matt.5:6 [NIV, emphasis added]


The third pain Hannah experienced was the pain of portion of choice. “And though he loved Hannah, he would give her only one choice portion because the Lord had given her no children1 Sam.1:5. The portion of choice is like double portion. Elkanah gave the others one portion but reserves the best portion for Hannah. And Hannah knew that the only reason she was getting the choice portion was because she did not have children. Sometimes in life, some people get to a place where people begin to give them special privileges and the reason is because they are handicapped. Unfortunately, a lot of us rejoice in special portions. Hannah knew the pain of special portion and she would not eat.

The forth pain Hannah experienced was the pain of personal fulfillment… rather the lack of it. She just wants to be a mother, to have her own child. “Why are you crying, Hannah?” Elkanah would ask. “Why aren’t you eating? Why be downhearted just because you have no children? You have me—isn’t that better than having ten sons?1 Sam.1:8. Like Elkanah, some people while trying to help you actually end up hurting you even more. And these are well meaning people. Elkanah came and said to Hannah, why are you crying, Hannah? Why are you not eating? Why are you down hearted just because you do not have children? Don’t you have me? Isn’t that better than having ten sons? And Hannah would probably say you think I am a fool? Of course Elkanah loved her but she felt the pain still. So the question is what pain are you feeling? Hannah went through the periodic pain, through the pain of Peninnah, through the pain of choice portion, and through the pain of lack of personal fulfillment. But how did she overcome the pain? We need to learn from Hannah.

Hannah did not allow what I call the lame consolation of Elkanah to dampen her hunger and longing for a child. Sometimes while trusting and waiting on God for something, some people say they are going through so much pain. But they have no passion for what they are waiting for, none. I have seen two women, one trusting God for a child and the other trusting God for more children. And the passion of the second woman surpassed the passion of the first. I am not accusing anyone but what I am pointing out here is that you need to hunger for what you want from God. Even the anointing cannot be delivered without hunger. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for they shall be filled.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please birth a new hunger and thirst in me for where God is taking me and all that God has promised me and said about me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 12 December, 2015, in Hunger, Waiting. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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