No More!

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?Rom.8:31


A lot of people are struggling with statements made over them. Interestingly, it is not even a statement from the Most High they are struggling with. They are struggling with a statement made over them perhaps by their parents or someone in authority over them. For other people, their struggle is with a statement made or a curse spoken by their spouse. I am here to declare God’s powerful Word to you, “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?” Lam.3:37[KJV]. Therefore, every utterance that is contrary to your destiny is hereby cancelled in Jesus Name. One thing we must understand is, when we seek help from above it really doesn’t matter who is against us. “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?Rom.8:31. It is only a fool that will be against us and there are many fools. God will be glorified and use them as examples of how not to come against Him in Jesus Name.

There are three life transforming lessons from the life of Hezekiah that I believe God wants to use to totally transform our lives. Our first lesson from the life of Hezekiah is do not continue in the error of your fathers. Hezekiah had a bad heritage as far as his was concerned. But Hezekiah avoided the errors and connected to his ancestor who loved God and was a man after God’s heart – David! “He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight, just as his ancestor David had done” 2kings 18:3. I pray that it will be written of you that you did what was pleasing in God’s sight just as your Father Jesus did.

What errors of your fathers do you need to stop? Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with identity issues. And as such no matter how old they are, because of their struggle with identity issues, sometimes they default to doing things the way their fathers did it in error. Instead of discovering who God has made them to be and becoming all that God has made them to be. So what errors of your fathers are you continuing? God wants you to stop it.


Prayer: Lord God, help me walk worthy of You. Empower me to do that which is fully pleasing in Your sight just as Jesus did, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 13 January, 2016, in Curses, Errors, Guidance, Healing, Identity, The Word. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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