
“And again David asked the Lord what to do. “Do not attack them straight on,” the Lord replied. “Instead, circle around behind and attack them near the poplar trees” 2 Sam.5:23


Did you ever watch those old movies that featured the oriental wars? Remember how both warring parties have their soldiers lined up, horses are fuming, the people are revving but nothing happens, no body steps out of rank. Then suddenly the General shouts, “Attack!” And everybody lunges forward. God is saying to you “Attack!” You are going to go from relegation to promotion.

Life is a battle. Business is a battle. Marriage is a battle; you are still trying to make your spouse happy meanwhile another person is trying to complicate your lives. Everything is a battle but you need to understand that in this war of life, you are the general of your life. Alfred Mahan says, “War, once declared, must be waged offensively, aggressively. The enemy must not be fended off, but smitten down”. Once the line is drawn, the enemy must not be fended off, the enemy must be smitten down. Action is everything!

There are two types of people in the world largely; the ‘Thinkers’ and ‘Doers’. It is not that the thinkers don’t do or the doers don’t think but there are predominantly thinkers and doers. I have realized that it is easier to get a doer to think than to get a thinker to do. I will always employ a doer over a thinker. Why? It is because you can teach an action person [doer] to think but it is difficult to get a thinker off his or her seat. They are always analyzing and reanalyzing and after they are done reanalyzing, they analyze again. Then they end up with something called Analysis Paralysis. They are stuck.

But action is everything. The person that commits to continuous action in vigorous pursuit of his goal will always have an advantage over the person that sits down and waits for a “miracle”. The person that gets up and executes actions will always prevail over the person that sits down and waits for a “miracle”. Do not get me wrong, I believe in miracles. But every miracle has a God part and a man part. God will not do your part. You cannot do God’s part. You need to get up and attack. You need to get up and take action. You need to get up and make things happen.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach my hands to war and my fingers to battle, give me consistent victory in this battle of life, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Friday 15 April, 2016, in Action, Boldness. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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