As You Align

“‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’ Luke 19:17


A research by Stanford University revealed that, “The ability to function effectively in a crisis is the most important single quality of a great leader”. They discovered that the ability to deal with crisis could not be taught in classrooms but only in crisis situations. They said there is no case study that can be used to teach crisis management. And if there is one thing that is constant in leadership, it is crisis. Peter Drucker puts it this way, “The only inevitable event in the life of the leader is the recurring crisis.” A leader must be comfortable with crisis. To be able to respond accurately in crisis, you have to be rooted in God’s Word. You must align with the command center of heaven. And once you align, you take charge of your life.

If you look at the story in Luke 19:17, Jesus gave parable about a master that gave his servant some things and he came back and checked them. Jesus said because you have been faithful in little [because you have taken charge of little, because you have risen to the occasion in little], I am going to promote you over a lot. Many of us are asking God for promotion and God is saying, have you taken charge in the little? Why? It is because you cannot be promoted in the things of God and with God beyond your current level of obedience. What is your current level of obedience? That is your level of promotion. You cannot go past it.

If God says do ‘A, B, and C’, you do it – promotion comes at each level of obedience. But if He says do ‘D’ and you rationalize it, heaven waits for you. While you are there thinking, praying and receiving the promotion by faith in the Name of Jesus, heaven is waiting for you. Similarly, as a leader if you tell two people to do ‘ABC’, one does it and the other is demanding an explanation or the reasoning behind doing ‘ABC’. You really want to explain but you do not have the time. Guess what? The next time you need ‘DCE’ done, you would assign it to only one person – the one that did the previous task.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me to be quick to align to the move of God; grow me in faithfulness, and teach me obedience daily, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Tuesday 7 June, 2016, in Agreement, Obedience, Promotion, Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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