Why Delay?

“I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands” Ps. 119:60


What is the one thing that you can do right now to make things shift in your favour amidst all the doors that God is opening and the opportunities before you? What is that one thing you can do right now to make things shift in your favour at work, in your business, in your home, in your walk with God, or in your marriage? What is that one thing? Many of us know what it is. So the follow up question is, what are you waiting for? The benefits you are enjoying at that job is keeping you there even though you know you should resign and start your own business. Are you waiting for them to kick you out? Well, if God loves you, they will kick you out and it is so that you can enter into your destiny.

What are you waiting for? Open your mouth and propose to that lady. My spiritual son found a lovely girl he liked and she liked him. Then he called me one day and said he was sad because the girl was going to marry someone else. Naturally, I asked what happened because I was aware they both liked each other. And he said another man proposed to her. Did you not propose to her? He said no. I said so what have you people been doing together? He said they hang out and just play board games. You are there playing board games meanwhile the girl is waiting for you to make a move. Then someone else came and closed the deal.

Many people think because they like someone and have prayed about it then God is in it so it will happen automatically. It will not. You still have to do your own bit. Open your mouth and talk. What are you waiting for? Pop the question. Worst case, you will get a ‘no’; so what? Let me tell you my story. My wife and I had been seeing each other. I think she was in South Africa at the time and I said to myself you need to take action on this, no delays. So I called her and proposed on the phone. She said yes initially then called me back and said no because she thought I was crazy. When she said no, I waited for her to come back and I pursued my objective. Many men are afraid of ‘No’s’. Do not be afraid; ‘no’ simply means change your strategy and try again.


Prayer: Precious Spirit of Jesus, empower me to exploit every opening in my office, spiritual life, in my business, and in my home for God’s glory, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 13 June, 2016, in Action, Exploit, Move, Time. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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