
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]” Ps.91:1 [AMP]


The second ingredient of surprise is Secrecy; in fact, it is secrecy coupled with deception in many cases. Fredrick the Great said, “Everything which the enemy least expects will succeed the best.” So check, what does the enemy least expect? Everything the enemy least expects will succeed the best. If the actions of the attacking commander are not conducted in complete secrecy, he is only going to surprise himself, and not the enemy. If there is something God needs you to execute with complete secrecy and you do not execute it with complete secrecy, by the time you are executing that instruction, the surprise will be on you and not the enemy.

For many of us, God gives you an idea [an instruction, a direction, an image] but our mouths have truncated a whole lot of things that God wants to do in our lives. We talk too much. God gives you the idea and under the umbrella of being passionate, you have shared it with half of the neighborhood. Have you noticed that when you keep sharing it, all of a sudden, the idea dwindles?  It has happened to me several times but it does not happen to me anymore. I have learnt how to keeps things to myself. You too must learn how to keep things. You can choose the easy way, which is learning from my experience, and not the hard way.

Why does this happen? I will tell you why it happens from a spiritual stand point. When God gives you an idea, He expects that you incubate the idea. As you incubate the idea, you are generating spiritual power to birth the idea. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High…” Dwelling in the secret place of the Almighty is a choice. The more you talk about the idea before time, the more you are leaking the spiritual power that you need to birth it. So at the end of the day you would not have enough spiritual power to birth the idea. Number two, sometimes when you talk about what God has told you, you put God’s idea that He has given you in the public domain. When you do that, demons have access to it and when they do, you know that is trouble. You will just be fighting unnecessary battles. Keep your mouth shut; it will save your life.


Prayer: Lord, I dwell in the secrecy of Your Presence, under the shadow of Your wings. Everything You are birthing in me will not be aborted, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 7 July, 2016, in Caution, Secrecy. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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