The Path I

“Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy placePs.66:12 [KJV, emphasis added]


Take note of the path to the wealthy place in today’s scriptural reference. The path to abundance can be tough. And because of that a lot of people have taken a detour off the path. If you are on that tough path and you are contemplating taking a detour, my sincere advice is, don’t. And it is because you are about to enter into your wealthy place. Stay on course.

You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.Ps.66:12 [NIV, emphasis added]. Who let the people ride over our heads? God! You read this and one emotion whirls up in you, “unfair!” Listen, I do not know who is riding on your head or taking advantage of you. But God is using it for your advantage. You are going to look back at the tough path and thank God for it. I understand that it may be difficult to wrap your mind round this now. When I am counseling people and I say this scripture to them, a lot of the time the people struggle with it. But my advice to them is always, stay in there.

God says you are going though the fire. You are not going to stay in the fire. The fire is not the destination. You are going through the fire, though the waters, and God is going to bring you to a wealthy place, a place of abundance. So that when people see you, they will say the Lord has done great things for them. Interestingly, when people see you in the wealthy place, their conclusion is that you are an “overnight success”.

Someone was sharing with me how he was in a bar and for some reason the discussion was about me. My thoughts were what are doing in a bar? Should a Christian be in a bar or am I missing something? Well, perhaps he was evangelizing. Anyway, they referred to me as an overnight success. My thoughts were, success? We have not even stated. And he began to speak for me and they were amazed. Interestingly, this man who was speaking for me, does not even know a tenth of what we have been through. My point is this; when you see someone in a wealthy place, know that the person has gone through a hard place. The hard place comes before the wealthy place.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give me the grace to endure and not abort the press so that my oil can overflow, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 19 September, 2016, in Budget, Direction, Personal Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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