Weeds II

The thorny ground represents those who hear and accept the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life.  And so they never grow into maturity.”  Luke 8:14 [emphasis added].


Question –  how much effort is needed to grow a weed? None! Do you know why? It is because weeds are signs of neglect. Anything you neglect will grow weeds. The farmers will tell you that any area you neglect on the farm, weeds will grow there. If you neglect your walk with God, it will grow weeds. If you neglect your relationship with your spouse, it will grow weeds. If you neglect your relationship with your children, it will grow weeds. If you neglect your education, it will grow weeds. If you neglect your personal development, reading and studying, weeds will take over.

Question two, what should you do with weeds? Uproot them! But do not stop at uprooting alone, burn it and throw it away. Question three, what do you need to weed out of your life now? I want you stop and think deeply about this. What do you need to weed out of your life? Write it down; at least three of the things you need to weed out of your life right now. What is that thing that is choking your life and time with God? Write it down. What is that thing that is stopping your relationship with God and stopping you from growing spiritually? Write it down. For some of us, it is the games we have installed on our phones. Some people can play those games for hours. God will forgive you; say amen.

If you are going to do that then commit to spend as much time as you spend playing those games with God. So if you will spend two hours playing games on your phone then spend two hours or more [but not less] with God. Some people will try to justify it by saying the games are relaxing and a way to clear the mind from the buzz of the day. I say closing your eyes is also relaxing. Just sit still before God, focus on Him and how beautiful God is. You will be amazed at how relaxed you will be. Guess what? Every other thing fades away in the light of Christ. Get rid of the weeds.

“And the seed that fell on the good ground is like those who hear God’s teaching with good, honest hearts and obey it and patiently produce good fruit” Luke 8:15. I pray that this is how your life will be. You will hear God’s Word with a good and honest heart. You will obey it and you will patiently produce good fruit, in Jesus Name.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, make my heart good ground. I will hear God’s Word with a good, honest heart and obey it and patiently produce good fruit, in Jesus Name.



Posted on Wednesday 9 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Help From Above, Honouring God, Patience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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