Watch And Pray

Turn your back on lustful thoughts and give your positive attention to goodness, integrity, love, and peace” 2 Tim.2:22 [Ph, emphasis added]


When a man is desensitized, almost anything goes. And then there is no difference between a man and a dog. The media is the greatest source of sex mis-education because it never shows the consequences of sin. And as a result, there are a lot of people carrying secret scars. Almost everyone reading this has a secret scar, an unresolved guilt, bitterness, or shame that is related to sex. I pray that every such unresolved hurt, God Himself will  resolve this season, in Jesus Name. I had to deal with mine and I pray that you will deal with yours. Immorality has a pattern, an identifiable process to how it happens. It starts with the thoughts, it engages the emotions, and then it becomes an act.

1st Accepting sinful thoughts in my mind. When people begin to laugh at sin, at the things they should not be laughing at, then they start to accept that perhaps, that is the life those people have chosen to live. Accepting the possibility of having an affair is the first step.

2nd Emotional, non-physical involvement. This is the dangerous step because there is a mental accent. When you begin to get involved emotionally, you have taken the second step. Kay Warren, Rick Warren’s wife, was sharing that the early days of their marriage was rocky. She was working to pay Rick Warren’s fees through seminary school. They had a lot of issues and argued about everything. There was this man in her office that was like the best human being on earth. And before she knew it, she will time his movement and pretend to run into him. She got to a point that her dressing up in the morning was done with him in mind.

If you have gotten to that point, there is fire on the mountain, run! But the closer she got to him the more she discovered that she really did not like him and that was how God delivered her. However, she said at that point if he had responded, that would have been it because she had no defenses anymore at that time, which leads to the third step.

3rd  Physical involvement  and 4th  Rationalizing my actions. People really do not fall into sin, people walk into sin one step at a time.


Prayer: Jesus, empower me to turn my back on lustful thoughts and give my attention to goodness, integrity, love, and peace, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 17 November, 2016, in Fruitfulness, Principles. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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