Honor Principle II

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Eph.6:2Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: 3 If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.”


God is big on honor. The Word of God says, “This is the first commandment with a promise. In essence, God is saying because I am particular about honor, if you obey this commandment, I will reward your obedience. I am sure you know that the “parents” God is referring to here is not limited to your biological parents alone. There are people that God has positioned in your life with the mandate to labour over you. It is your responsibility to identify them and honor them. For example, your life group leader or your department head for those that are serving in their local church, he or she is your spiritual parent. These people are standing as care givers to you. They ensure that the Word of God is shared. They are interceding for you. Honor them as unto God and because God says so.

For those whose parents are not believers and are walking with God, note that honoring them does not translate into doing what they do. Yet because you belong to God, you will honour them. In God’s Favourite House, you must send money to your parents every month [say Amen]. Send it, then sit back and watch. Your parents are not God, but God has put them in your life. God is your source. Just send it and watch.

Insulting parents is devastating. The Bible says in Prov.20:20If you insult your father or mother, your light will be snuffed out in total darkness” Again, I did not write this. It is in the Bible. It is a curse of darkness. If you find out that you do not have revelation, everything is just dark and gloom, check! If you find out that you have in any way insulted your spiritual or biological parents, then go and fix it. Your pastor may be able to pray and break the curses, but the first thing you have to do is go and fix it. It will work in tandem.

What will happen if you place a cube of sugar on a table? It will attract ants and in no time, it will be infested with ants. If you chase away the ants but leave the sugar there, it’s just a function of time, the ants will return. Fixing it is taking the cube of sugar away totally.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, guide me daily to honor those the Lord has set before me as parents, so that it will be well with me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 28 March, 2017, in Blessings, Honouring God, Obedience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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