Jokes Aside

Judg.13:4 Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. 5 You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb…”


Many times when God establishes a covenant with us, we try to rationalize. Like Abraham said to God, “Will you make me a father of many nations at age ninety-nine? Let Ishmael live before you oh God!” [paraphrased]. In other words, Abraham was telling God the faulty foundation [Ishmael] that he had “helped” God build since God was late with delivery. He was showing God an example of how to produce a child. But God said, “I will bless Ishmael but in Isaac shall your seed be”. Isaac was not even born yet and Abraham was ninety-nine.

In fact, Abraham exaggerated his age. The Bible says he was ninety-nine but Abraham said he was one hundred years old. The truth is that between ninety-nine and one hundred, God can change a destiny. Do not joke with your covenant with God. There are some things that some pastors do and it appears that they are getting away with it. But I cannot do such things because if I try it, I am gone. I know it. It is part of the covenant. God is a covenant keeping God. Stop comparing yourself with other people – Your covenant with God is unique.

The restrictions that God has put on you are because He is taking you to a great place. But you want to be like “Sister B”. And so you are trying to hurry God to finish the foundation work quickly because in your opinion, the other person has started building the second floor. God says, “You need to know that you are going beyond the second floor; your structure is going to carry thirty floors. So I need to spend time with your foundation”. Do not fall for the comparison trap and do not joke with your consecration.

God deals with serious Christians by covenant. Samson joked with his consecration to God and it cost him his eyes and his life. Do not joke with your consecration. So everyone else has a clean haircut, but you have to wear dreadlocks. In the dreadlocks is your covenant. And sometimes God is trying to establish a covenant with you but you are not even paying attention.


Prayer [song]: I will wait on You, Almighty God, in the beauty of Holiness. I will worship You, Almighty God, in the beauty of Holiness. Amen

Posted on Thursday 6 April, 2017, in Covenant, Destiny, Direction, Foundation, Patience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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