
Genesis 29: 25 “But when Jacob woke up in the morning—it was Leah! “What have you done to me?” Jacob raged at Laban. “I worked seven years for Rachel! Why have you tricked me?”


If you put the weight of your deepest desire on any human being, you are going to crush them. I do not care how big your husband’s biceps are or how talented your wife is, if you put the weight of your deepest desire on him or her, you are going to crush them. The reason this will happen is because they cannot carry the weight and you will be left disappointed. The times that I have been unhappy are the times I expected a human being to fill my tank. Subconsciously, I shifted my gaze from looking to God to fill my tank, to looking to man and no human being can do that. The only Person that can carry the weight of your deepest desire is Jesus.

I have heard different people talk about people in the Bible that have intrigued them and how they will search for them when they get to heaven. Some people say they will search for David, others say Abraham, and some people say they will look for Paul and on and on. I have a list of people that I would like to track down but topping that list, is Israel. The Bible says when Laban gave Israel his first wife, he slept with her from night till morning and he did not know that it was Leah. I will say, “Sir Israel, with all due respect, how did that happen? Can you explain it to me; were you blind folded or wearing ear plugs?”

The Bible says in Gen.29:25And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah…” [KJV]. Did the earplugs just fall off? The truth is that in the morning, it will always be Leah. Let me explain. In marriages or relationships, by the time the day breaks it will always be Leah. By the time the honeymoon phase wears off, there are days one party will question if they heard God clearly or if they had made a mistake. People who have been married for at least six months can relate with this even though I hear the timing is getting shorter these days. At some point we all check – I thought this was Rachael. Why? It is because in the morning, it will always be Leah. But guess what? From Leah came Judah. Hope you get that!


Prayer:  Lord, I ask for the grace to keep my eyes on You alone because You are more than enough for me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 17 June, 2017, in Abuse, Blessings, Grace. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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