Make It Count

Psa.37:25 “I have been young and now I am old. And in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry” [TLB, with emphasis]

Happy Anniversary God’s Favourite House! God has been faithful and we are truly grateful for seven years of His unwavering presence. There are many seasons that felt like we were walking on water but through it all, God was right beside us. There were many steps we took just holding unto His voice, and we plunged forward despite the seeming uncertainty but God has been faithful to every Word! To Jesus who is able to do abundantly more than we can ask, think or imagine be all the glory and praise. We are totally grateful for all the testimonies, the life change, God’s Word, His anointing, His Presence and so much more.

As a church, we never make any plan outside of God and that is one of our secrets. It is Jesus and Jesus alone at the center of all that we do. In fact, Jesus is not only at the center, it is all about Jesus. Planning without God is presumption. Prov.27:1 “Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring”.

The solution is to make today count. This day that you have, make it count. There will never be another 12th September 2017. Once the day ends, it is gone forever. So focus and make today count. Stop worrying about tomorrow. Make this day count. That is the solution. Matt.6:34 “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time”[TLB]. The truth is that we can plan for tomorrow and it is okay to plan for tomorrow but we can only live today. So make today count!

The Word of God does not say, Give us this day our annual bread or give us this year our daily bread. It says give us this day our daily bread. And God has made it a daily bread so that you and I can go back to God each day. If He gives us our yearly bread, a lot of people will not go back to God. So He gives you daily bread so that you will show up each day. That is how it works. Not even our monthly bread, not even our weekly bread but our daily bread.

To face the future confidently, we must have a proper perspective of the Word of God concerning how to relate to futuristic events and prophesies and avoid making these two mistakes: planning without God and presuming about tomorrow.

Prayer [song]: God of faithfulness, without injustice, good and upright is He (2x). Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 12 September, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Answers, Commitment, Jesus, The Word, Truth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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