Body Of Evidence


Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


The Holy Spirit Is The Source of Miracles. You must prioritize your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Earlier on in my walk with God, I believed that God was powerful but I had my reservations about the “miracle thing”. I had seen my mother and my grandmother pray and things happened. It was not that I did not trust the Pastors that God was using to work the miracles. But when people testified of miracles, I just felt they were being over-zealous. That was how much of God I knew and understood at that time. Things are very different now.

On that day that I went out to evangelize with Pastor Sam and he began to call for the lame, the crippled, the blind, etc., I began to survey the environment, looking for a way of escape. Then they brought a five-year-old boy that had never walked in his life. Pastor Sam carried the boy and began to pray. I had never seen anything like it before in my life; and the boy walked. I was blown away. My thoughts were- if this power is real and it is available like this, then I must walk in this power. I made up my mind that day that I will not live a powerless Christian life. I made up my mind that day that my life will be full of miracles. And God has done and is still doing a lot of miracles to the praise and glory of Jesus.

That Sunday, the whole community where the boy lived was in church for thanksgiving, dancing and rejoicing. There was no preaching that could have done that. And that is what God wants to do through you. I pray that this will stir up a hunger in you like it did in me, a hunger to work miracles as God intends for you. My thoughts were, God is not a partial God. If He can do it for this man then He can do it for me. So I asked Pastor Sam many questions. I wanted to know how he knew that it would work and if it did not, what was his plan. And he explained the dynamics of faith to me. In faith there is no plan B. Once you have a plan B you have eradicated your faith. Faith has to be absolute for it to be potent. Faith that is not absolute is impotent. But when faith is absolute, result is inevitable. I discovered that he was ready to die for what he believed. It is either Jesus is Lord or He is not.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I receive power from You to be a witness for Christ everywhere I go; Lord work Your miracles through my hands, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 4 October, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Faith, Holy Spirit, Miracles, Power. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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