The Son’s Heart

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Matt.6:10 “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” [KJV]

Every Son knows the ordinance of His Father [the ways of the Father]. Remember when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and satan said to Him, “If you are the Son of God [you know the ordinance of heaven], turn these stones into bread”. But Jesus said, “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word…” What Jesus was saying in essence is, “Even though there is a formula to turn stones into bread, it is not the heart of the Father for Me to turn stones into bread”. I hope you get this.

The fact that something is workable does not mean that it is expedient to do it. And the devil said to Jesus, “Since you would not turn stones into bread. It is also written that if you jump, He will give His angels charge over you so that You will not dash Your foot against the stone”. And Jesus countered him again with the heart of the Father, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord Your God”. The devil said to Jesus, “You have come to get the glory and the kingdom of this earth through the first principle but if you bow unto me I will just give you the formula and you can have the kingdom.” Jesus said, “No, for this purpose I have come”. In other words, you will worship only God and He alone will you serve. Jesus overcame because He was not only interested in having a formula that works; Jesus wanted to please the Father. And that is how we should be. It is not just about getting a formula that works. It is about pleasing the Father.

Years ago, I was feeling very uncomfortable heat on my hand. So I asked the Holy Spirit what was happening and if I should go to the hospital? And then He showed me a lady that was not happy with me and so was projecting her spirit at me. Christians sometimes perform witchcraft. Let me explain; when you use the Word of God to achieve a result against the will of God– it is witchcraft. I was going to engage and blow her away but the Lord told me not to. He said, “You will crush my daughter”. He told me to be nice to her and take her to lunch. I obeyed; she became my friend and the heat stopped.

Prayer: Father, I align with You and I declare that I will not do anything outside Your will, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 13 October, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Agreement, Heart, Help From Above, Honouring God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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