Thick or Thin?

Jn.3:30 “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”

Physics tells us that how thick or how thin a material is, impacts on its energy transfer rate. Conductivity, Area of Exposure, Hunger and Thickness are the variables that Physics tells us affect the rate of energy transfer. We know that science copied Scripture because these factors are evident in Gehazi’s life. Even though Elisha was preaching from the Bible, Gehazi would refuse to agree with what he was saying. He was full of his own will and so he could not accept even the Word of God.

Do not collect anything from Naaman – simple instruction. A Gehazi would question that instruction and give himself reasons why it is not a valid instruction. If Elisha wanted to die poor that was his business but Gehazi probably said to himself, God has promised me I will not die poor. So he located Naaman and lied that he was under instruction from Elisha to collect what he had been instructed not to collect.

Naaman knew Elisha did not send him because Naa  man was a general. Generals read people and can hear what you are saying. But with some people, you just give them what they want not because you are deceived. He was not only thick with gold and silver, leprosy also stuck to him. I pray that leprosy will not stick on you. I pray that you will realign your priorities. This thing called silver and gold is nothing. Infact God’s plan is that silver and gold will chase you and not the other way around. Believe me.

Jn.3:30 “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” I must become thinner and thinner, Jesus must become bigger and bigger. One of the things that God has said to us is this: when you let go of what is in your hands He [God] will let go of what is in His hands. Many people are holding on to things and God is saying let it go. What is in God’s hands is bigger than what is in your hand. And until you let go of what is in your hands you would not receive what is in God’s hands. Let it go so that all your sacrifice will not be for nothing. But you will receive all that God has for you. May God not let us labour in vain.

Prayer: Father, I pray in Jesus Name that my sacrifices will not be like pouring water on a rock but my life will soak all you have for me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 10 November, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Faith, Help From Above, Power, Success, Truth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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