
Matt.15:‘These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’”


You have to choose whether to honour God or not. Honour is the singular proof that a child loves his father. It is not the frequency of the hugs or how often you confess your love. It is honour that is proof of your love for your Father. Mal.1:6 “…A son honours his father, and a servant respects his master. If I am your father and master, where are the honour and respect I deserve? You have shown contempt for my name…’” God does not joke with honour.

A father tells his son to wash his car but the son refuses. The mother hears about what has transpired and she steps in to point out the wrongdoing to her son, she urges him to go and apologise. The boy prostrates and rolls on the floor, expressing how sorry he is before his father. The father accepts his apology and the boy leaves, but minutes later the father finds the car is still not washed and the boy is playing video games. When the father confronts him, his defence is, “but I have said sorry!” Sadly, this is how a lot of people deal with God. Know this; God does not joke with His honour, His respect, or with the value you place on Him.

The value you place on God is so important because you cannot even access God’s Presence if you do not value Him. God will not let anybody into His Presence if he or she does not value Him, that is why it is possible to be in church and not be in God’s Presence. Why? It is because such a person does not value God. How do I know this? Ps.100:Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” You only praise what you value. The reason you are not praising your spouse or telling him or her how good looking he or she is, is because you do not value him or her. If you value God, you will praise Him and when you do, He will usher you in. If you do not value Him, He will deal with you from a distance. I pray that God will not deal with you from a distance, in Jesus Name.


Prayer [song]: Everything! (2x) Lord You are everything to me (2x). My treasure, my priority, who can compare to You. Great is the measure of Your royalty. O Morning Star, You truly are everything! Amen!

Posted on Thursday 19 July, 2018, in Child, God's Presence, Honouring God, Love, Value. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Am really blessed. More grace to your team

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