Destiny Matters II

Acts 17:26 “From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries.” [with emphasis].

Rom.14:For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves.” Our lives are intertwined. There are actually people whose destiny fulfillment is dependent on the choices that you make in life. The Lord gave me a deeper understanding of this truth Himself. My wife and I were in a transition phase at some point in ministry. The decision I was faced with was, what do I do with my life. I had always wanted to do a Ph.D. and I was considering going ahead with it. I was in the U.S. at the time, I can remember very clearly. I was not even praying or sleeping, I was just communing with God. Then someone’s picture flashed in my face and God said something like, “You want to do a Ph.D. and abandon ministry, what will happen to this person?”

Before I could think of a response, He showed me another face and another face and it became a sea of faces. We had been taught differently but this was God telling me that if I made the wrong move, I was going to have blood on my hands. I told my wife I had to head back to Nigeria and that was how God’s Favourite House started. Are you not glad I came back? I had the privilege of God showing me all that and so I can confidently tell you that there are people that are connected to you and people you are connected to. It is God’s design, when we get to heaven we probably will find out why He chose to do things this way. You are not an island.

We will MISS our destiny if we choose to follow our plan instead of God’s calling. A lady shared her experience with me, in which God was saying He wanted her to be in a certain profession but if she decided to not to follow His plan, He will still bless whatever she chooses to do. Her response was more like, ‘do my own thing and then what’? When we choose our own plans ahead of Him, we are asking for trouble.

The fourth pointer to help you understand destiny better is, part of your destiny is to play YOUR PART in GOD’S PLAN for history. God has a big grand plan and we have a role to play. Before we showed up on the scene, other people had played their roles. After we have exited the scene, other people will come and play their roles. God’s grand plan is, He is gathering a family from every tribe, every nation, and every tongue to spend eternity with Him.

Prayer: Father, equip me by Your Spirit to prepare my sphere of influence to spend eternity with You, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 16 January, 2019, in Acknowledge God, Action, Believe, Choice, Destiny. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. It all boils down to obedience for me. When we catch the slightest glimpse of what God would have us do, we shouldn’t hesitate. I pray we don’t miss our destinies in Jesus name amen.

    • I think what is most instructive for me today is obedience as well. Obedience has its roots deep in trust – trusting the One who has the Master Plan for our lives. It is also truly humbling to see that this God who can use anything and any one would choose to have a part for me in His grand plan. Then comes the responsibility of the lives connected to mine. I pray for the grace to be more away of God’s plans and aligning with Him because when this is in place, my choices will follow the direction of His heart also! Lord help!

  2. Alignment to God’s Plan is big and deep for me to Today and knowing that my life is intertwined with someone else destiny. I will not be disobedient to the voice and plan for my life so that I will not misled someone else. Holy Spirit help to hear as I ought to hear in Jesus name!

  3. What calls out to me is following God’s will and not ours. There was a time I was a master planner and I felt I had to achieve everything all by myself and according to the order in my head. I took a drastic decision against the warnings from a minister and human opinion, I followed my heart and what my head felt was the expected turn, it took 5 years of my life before I could get an opportunity to take a U-turn back to the original will of God. Its quite tasking now to follow through especially with the scars it cost me and the lives depending on me to make it right. The easiest option was to find another of my human ‘well-thought out’strategies to carry on, after realizing my mistake, but I have chosen to trust God and watch Him shapen my life back to order and better, so I can fulfill my purpose on earth.

    • The truth is that man is limited in so many ways but God cannot be limited. We come to these “Cross Roads” every now again in life where we must choose to lay down our will for His own. But when we ultimately follow God’s plan, it always turns out to be the best decision of our lives.

      It is our prayer that God will restore your years, heal you completely, and cause all things to work together for your good.

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