Cut it off!

Isa.50:7 “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.”

Remember Hannah and Peninnah? Hannah remained sorrowful until she took Peninnah’s mockery to God. Most times, people take things to God but step out of God’s presence still carrying the problem. Do not let it get under your skin and stay there. Take it to God and leave it there. It is now God’s business and not yours. By the time God was done with Hannah and Nehemiah’s mockers what was their testimony? Read your Bible!

The seventh type of distraction you must eradicate is Attraction Distraction. Never ever under estimate the power of something or someone you find interesting and stimulating. From computer games, social media, and sometimes it is the television. These things deplete your strength to pursue the desired future. By the time you spend seven hours in front of the television, you will discover that you have no strength left to take care of your family, or devout to your spouse, or strength left to fight spiritual warfare. Do not get me wrong, I have not said delete your social media account or throw away your games. What I am saying is. Beware of attraction distraction.

I love computer games, particularly football and I can play it all day. But God has graced me with the ability to cut things to size. No matter how passionate I am about something, I know when to shut it down without struggling. You need to shut down attraction distraction and face your life, your destiny, your career, your business, your family, and face your walk with God. Golf is the most challenging sport I have ever played. I have studied the game and my submission is, it is unconquerable. It is to be enjoyed not to be conquered. You will have good days and you will have bad days. It is just like life. But I know people that will never tell their spouse that they had a bad day because they had abandoned their spouse for that same game of golf. Things like that actually destroy people, destroy relationships and everything else.

Attraction distraction with the opposite sex is actually a no brainer. If you find that you are attracted to someone that is not your spouse, be careful. You find the person interesting and stimulating, my grandmother would say, talk to your legs and run, there is no shame in it. Running is not weakness, it is actually strength. It is foolish to stay and resist it. Even God’s Word says, flee. Talk to your legs and run. Many accidents have happened on the roads because of roving eyes. Many destinies have been wrecked because of attraction distraction.

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, help me set my focus on You and fulfill my destiny, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 1 February, 2019, in Answers, Destiny, Focus, Help, Holy Spirit. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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