
Isa.40:30 “Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. 31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

Our God is totally unstoppable and they that wait upon the Lord will become unstoppable [please read Isaiah 40:25-31]. One of the greatest fears that people have is rooted in perseverance. It shows up in questions such as, “Will I be able to continue doing what God has called me to do?” Students worry about being able to pass their next exams. Husbands worry about being able to provide for their family year after year and about sustaining recurring expenses. Wives worry about having the capacity to consistently satisfy their husbands and if they will be good enough. A lot of people are wondering if they will be able to keep their jobs or grow their business. However, God wants you and I to know that if we put our trust in Him, we will run and not grow weary, we will mount up on eagle’s wings, and we will walk and not faint.

When I first started pastoring, one of the things that really scared me was what will I preach next. Sundays and midweek services come really fast and I had to preach at both. After each service I would raise my concerns to God, Lord will I run out of sermons? But I discovered from this passage of scripture and many others that the source cannot be depleted. This is over a decade and counting and I have never run out of sermons. God helps us day by day, week by week. As long as you remain connected to God and you draw from God, your life will become unstoppable by reason of your source. There is always more in God; God never grows weak or weary, He is not tired of your praying and your petition. He understands the situation better than you think He does.

The church was founded to be unstoppable. Matt.16:18 “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” [with emphasis]. In other words, Jesus is saying His church will be unstoppable. The word church in this scripture is not church as we understand it today. The root word is ecclesia and it means assembly. Jesus says, I will build my assembly, my people and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. You will notice that the scripture does not refer to individuals as the church but rather to an assembly. You are not the church and I am not the church. An individual is not the church. We are the church; the same way the hand is not the body, but the hand is a part of the body. We are living stones that come together to form a spiritual house for our God.

Prayer: God, You are my source, I will never run dry and I will be unstoppable, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 2 July, 2019, in Church, God, Limits Off, Prayer, Trust, Unstoppable. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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