Principles I

Amos 3:3 “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?”

We are all connected by the Blood of Christ and by the values that we share. The benefit of values is the reward of a principled life. We will be sharing twelve values, over the next few days, which are embodied by Christ Himself. These twelve values are what we have adopted as what is important to us and pull us together in God’s Favourite House. These twelve values (or a variation) exist in the Church and can be applied to different aspects of our lives.

#1. Value a Servant-spirit. The greatest and highest calling of every Christian is to serve other people.  Therefore, you and I as believers must actually believe in our hearts that the highest calling, – our calling – is to serve other people.

#2. Value Diversity. We all are different. We all express ourselves in different ways. We have different backgrounds. Our ethnicity differs. The Church has people from all over the world. Even among the disciples of Jesus, we see this value play out. Diversity is a strength, not a problem. In our homes, our offices, our communities, we must not create a culture where everybody looks or talks alike. Value diversity.

#3. Value Authenticity. Appreciate the authenticity of every individual and encourage people to be real, genuine and authentic. Without authenticity, there will be a lot of fake people. In the Church, we must have zero tolerance for gossip. We have to establish and enforce a “Zero Tolerance to Gossip” culture in the Church, our homes, our lives and our spheres of influence. When we do this, the people that feel they really must gossip or insist on being fake will be uncomfortable around us because we do not have common ground.

#4. Value Informality. It is better to be personal than to be professional. By the grace of God, as a Church and as individuals we have to be professional in our delivery and focus on excellence. But when dealing with human beings, we must deal with them as if they matter. We value the personal touch over being cold – or what is referred to as ‘professionalism’ today.

#5. Value Simplicity. The simplest is the strongest. It is the simplest messages that actually really change lives because people can understand and relate with it. Jesus was simple. Judas had to betray Jesus with a kiss because He was just as simple as His disciples. Value simplicity!

Prayer: Father, as we pattern our lives after the values embodied in Christ, let vices be eliminated from our lives, our spheres of influence and Your Church, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 19 February, 2020, in Accountability, Agreement, Serving. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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