Principles II

2 Peter 1:8 (Voice) “For if you possess these traits and multiply them, then you will never be ineffective or unproductive in your relationship with our Lord Jesus the Anointed”

Usually, after the Worship Experiences on Sundays, I hang around in church or at the car park greeting people. One Sunday in particular, I greeted a mother and her son. The boy responded casually and even though I did not mind, his mother began to scold him. “I am your mother, I trained you better than this. How can you be greeting the Pastor like that?”, she said. “He is not the Pastor, mom!” “Yes, he is!” What the boy said next blew me away. He said, “if he is the Pastor then where are his bodyguards?” We have complicated this thing called the gospel with things that have nothing to do with Jesus and this must change. We must value and embody the simplicity of Christ Jesus in everything we are and everything God has called us to do.

The look on people’s faces sometimes when they ask to see the Pastor and they meet me!

#6. Value Flexibility: As children of God, we have to be flexible. Determine that the only thing that will not and cannot change in your life is the Lordship of Jesus. Be flexible about every other thing because it can change. Plans can change and if you are not flexible, you would complain.

#7.  Value Teamwork: None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as intelligent as all of us. None of us is as anointed as all of us. You must believe in the value of pulling together. You have to believe in your heart that we are actually better together.

#8. Value Continuous Learning: Read – read books, read articles, attend conferences and seminars. You have to develop a system for improving yourself, a system for continuous learning, a system for becoming better and better. If you do not value continuous learning, if you disregard growth, personal and spiritual, you will struggle in any endeavour even in ministry.

#9. Value Innovation. Innovation breeds excellence; excellence glorifies God and inspires people. God has given us creative minds that do things differently, in ways that stimulate and communicate the message of The Cross in many relevant ways leading to and fostering a life change.

#10. Value Humour. Laugh; it is ok to laugh at your mistakes. Again, do not take yourself too seriously but take God seriously. Humour and humus are from the same word, which is from the word soil. So, you cannot value humour if you are not humble. Humility and laughter go together. If you are arrogant, you will find it difficult to laugh even if the joke is good.

Prayer: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I declare that my life will possess these traits and multiply them. I will never be ineffective or unproductive, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 20 February, 2020, in Accountability, Agreement, Serving. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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