On Purpose

Matt.13:33 “Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”

God chose Abraham because He knew Abraham will command his house after The Lord. While Lot was living with Abraham, Abraham probably taught and discipled him in the way of The Lord. Abraham approached God in intercession because he expected that Lot would have won souls for God’s Kingdom. Therefore, there must be fifty in that land that Lot has influenced and are standing for God. God agreed to spare Sodom for fifty righteous. Abraham, perhaps on second thoughts remembered Lot’s stubbornness, pleaded with God for forty-five. God said for forty-five righteous He would spare Sodom. Abraham pleaded for forty, for thirty and then for twenty and God agreed to spare Sodom for twenty. Why? It is because The Kingdom is like yeast.

The way The Kingdom works is you cannot be righteous all by yourself, righteousness is contagious. God expects that the people around you will catch it. God also expects that you will be deliberate in influencing your family. Abraham questioned Lot’s righteousness. So, Abraham again pleaded with God to spare Sodom for ten righteous and God agreed. The question is why did Abraham stop at ten, why didn’t he press for five or even one? It was because Abraham was confident that Lot would at the least, command his household after the Lord. Abraham was sure of ten people in Lot’s household not counting Lot’s many servants that caused the initial division. The ten people would be Lot, his wife, their two daughters, each daughter has a husband. The way it was then when people are betrothed, they are as good as married.

So, there are six people in Lot’s household so far, right? Each of the daughters traditionally should have two maids, bringing the number to ten. Abraham was confident that there will be ten people in Lot’s house that he would have influenced. Can you see the power in numbers? You cannot say you are living for God and turn a blind eye when your children are doing things outside God or God’s will. God expects you to be proactive in training your children in the way of the Lord because, after a certain age, you can no longer make them do what you want. God expects you to engage your spouse in conversations about God and His ways. Do not get discouraged because nothing you have tried appears to be working. Sometimes, we do not even want to talk about Jesus anymore. I say to you by the Spirit of God, get up and do not stay down!

Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace to live each day on purpose, drawing many into The Kingdom and helping nations walk uprightly, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 22 March, 2020, in Community, Righteousness. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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