Due Him

Dan. 6:3 (NKJV) “Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.”

Jesus deserves the best of us and the best from us. That is why as a people, and really this should be the same for all Christians, we are big on doing things excellently. Since it is for God, then it must be the best. Why are you bringing to God a lame offering? If it is to God, it must be the best. Why are you giving to God the residue of your time, the dredges of your time? If it must be to God, it must be the best. The truth is, excellence inspires people and glorifies God. In everything we do, excellence is priority because it is for the glory of King. It is not perfection, it is excellence – two different things. Do all things to the glory of God and in excellence!

When we encounter things that are excellently done, we appreciate it. Why would people pay at least five times what it would cost to eat at a roadside canteen, to eat at a restaurant? It is the same fish, the same oil, even their drinks are triple the price. But you do it why? Excellence; some people take the extra time to do it excellently. When it comes to God’s work, it must be done excellently. We gave a project to someone in church years ago to lay a carpet. I have been to his house and his house is well done. So, I was confident that he would deliver, and we gave him the project. When I came back and saw what he had done, it was like a puzzle. When I confronted him, I asked just one question, “Will you do this in your house?” People think because it is God’s Church because it is God’s house, they can give Him crap and He will take it. You have to make up your mind not to tolerate that in your home, business, and in your local assembly.

Even in reaching people that are far from God, it must be done excellently. We say consistently that we will do anything, apart from sin, to connect people to Christ. We will go to any length to reach people that are far from God because eternity matters a lot. Everything we do on earth is just for a brief moment. What will be the eternal destiny of that your relation, your spouse, your colleague that is far from God if he or she dies today or tomorrow without God? Eternity matters, so we will do anything to reach people that are far from God and bring them closer to God. This is our mission – changed lives. Our vision is the mountain top picture; to be filled with the life of Christ Jesus, released into our destinies taking the world for Him. The day to day expression of this vision is changed lives.

Prayer:  Father, I pray that like Daniel because of Your excellent Spirit upon me, multitudes will glorify You and be drawn to You, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 11 September, 2020, in Acknowledge God, Lordship, Praise. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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