His Counsel

Ps.32:8 “The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

On this very day, ten years ago, God’s Favourite House had her first worship experience in the then protea hotel. We thank God for year one, year two, year, three, year four, year five, year six, year, seven, year eight, year nine and here we are in year ten. We thank God for indeed filling lives with the life of Christ Jesus, releasing people into their destinies and equipping us to take the world for Him. we thank God for all the changed lives – the salvations, the baptisms in water and by His Spirit, for the marriages, for fruitfulness, for establishment, healings, deliverances. We thank God for where He has brought us from, for where we are, and for where He is taking us. We give God all the glory! It has and will always be Jesus at the centre of it all!

Our desire to see changed lives is as true today as it has been for the last ten years. We want to see troubled marriages healed. We want to see people that are sick, healed and restored. We want to see people that are far from God, saved, hearing from God, and having a solid relationship with Jesus. So, we really do not have time for politics. We seek, by the grace of God, to have a church devoid of politics. And this is also our prayer for the Church of Jesus Christ. However, we know that where two or three are gathered there will be politics. But by the grace of God, we seek and trust God to have an environment that is not driven by politics, or driven by nepotism, or driven by tribalism. We seek and trust God to have an environment that is driven purely by the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is what the Lord wants us to do.

We did not get to where we are because of people’s ideas. Going by people’s ideas, God’s Favourite House will not even be where it is today. When we said we wanted to get a land this size, people came to me and said, “You are struggling to pay the rent in the rented facility, and you say you want to spend how much for this land? This land is even too big, can’t we manage something smaller, two plots perhaps? I always smile because they are well-meaning people, they just cannot see what I by God’s grace can see. As soon as we are sure this is what God wants us to do, that is what we do. Guess what? The same people have come back to say our current place is too small for us and I laugh. What if we had taken their advice? Ps. 73:24You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.”

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I bring my life and the Church of Jesus before You today, guide us with Your counsel Lord, leading us into a glorious destiny, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 12 September, 2020, in Acknowledge God, Counsel, Lordship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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