Can He?

Ps. 121:1-2I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!”

There is no help apart from the Lord. Anyone or any force that claims they want to help you, if God does not help you, they are wasting your time. David understands this and David says, “…My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” God will change your ashes to beauty by Himself. The things you are calling beauty right now, by the time God is finished with you, you will realize that those things are ashes. But the question is, where are you looking for help? Man – your uncle, your in-laws, your siblings, your parents? God can use anybody, but the problem is, when you put your eyes on man, you cut yourself off from the divine flow. When you look at God, God will use men to help you. But when you start looking at men, you will start seeing men for who they really are – undependable!

Men are totally undependable. But when you make the Lord the Source of your help, He makes everything work for you. If you look at your situation and you consider it hopeless. I need you to know that with Jesus there are no hopeless or helpless cases – none whatsoever. There are no hopeless or helpless cases with Christ. We all are at different levels and different stages of our lives as it relates to the help from God. Some of us are in a place where we say, “Can God help me?” This actually is the turn-around question. It sounds like a defeatist question, but it is actually a turn-around question. You may be bewildered and in a tight place, you may be feeling that you have let God down. You may be feeling that all hope is lost, Can God help me?

Luke 5:12In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground, begging [Can God heal me?] to be healed. “Lord,” he said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” (emphasis added). In other words, “Can God help me because I am actually not sure if God wants to help me”. But like Jesus said to this man, “I am willing, be clean[Luke 5:13]. God is saying to you, “I want to help!” God wants to help you. So, if the question on your mind even now is, “Can God help me? I am not even sure if He is willing.” He has sent me to tell you that He is willing to help you. I am just a messenger and that is the message I am delivering.

Or you could be in a situation like Mary and Martha found themselves John 11:21, 39-40 [please read]. What Martha said to Jesus in a nice way is, “Now that You are here, You are not useful for this situation. How can You be saying they should roll away the stone? Jesus, You are late. If You had been here, You could have done something. You may be in a situation where you think God is late. If God has not done xyz earlier, maybe this would not have happened. God is not late. God is never late.  Like Jesus said to Martha, “I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe”.

Prayer [song]:  I believe in Jesus. I believe He is the Son of God. I believe He died and rose again. I believe He paid for us all. And I believe He’s here now…Standing in our midst. Here with the power to heal now and the grace to forgive… Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 16 February, 2021, in Believe, Bible, Challenge, Dependable, Faith, Help, Help From Above. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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