To Change

Rom.12:2 “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould, but let God remake you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed.” (Phillips, paraphrased, emphasis added).

Today’s devotion begins with a question. What would you like to change about yourself? For those who are married, what will your spouse like to change about you? What difference can resurrection power make in your life? Resurrection power Is The Power To Change Your Person. Resurrection power does not only cancel your past, it is the power you need to change your person. A lady and her husband were in counselling. While the session was going on, the lady said to the counsellor, “My husband is temperamental!” and the counsellor asked her, “What do you mean by your husband is temperamental?” She responded, “My husband is fifty percent temper and fifty percent mental, so he is “temper-a-mental”. When people use a word, it is best to ask them what they mean.

So, how does God change us? How does the power of resurrection change us? It is a two-way process. It is the power to change your person. 2 Cor.5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. ‘The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (emphasis added). Committing our lives to Jesus is the first step of the resurrection power changing our person. It is when we commit our lives to Jesus that Christ’s power changes us. The second step is to follow Jesus, “a new life has begun”. In following Jesus, the Word of God says in Rom.12:2 Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould, but let God remake you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed.” (Phillips, paraphrased, emphasis added). Attitude of mind highlighted in this scripture refers to your person. So, we can paraphrase this scripture to read; “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould, but let God remake you so that your whole [person] is changed.”

There are two moulds; there is the world’s mould and the Lord’s mould. Resurrection power wants to change your person, to remake you into the mould that God has for you. The world also wants to remake your person. The world wants to mould you into something else. Disclaimer: I do not have any problem with makeup or ladies that use makeup. I think ladies look beautiful when they wear makeup, sometimes. But there is nothing wrong with makeup. It is better to makeup and look beautiful than not to and look unkept. God has called us to be creative, right?

However, some makeup is criminal! It remakes the person into a totally different creature – lashes and all. Have you seen those before and after makeup pictures? It is unbelievable! Some men should probably ask for their bride price back because they woke up to a total stranger after the wedding night, when all the makeup was gone. Brothers, this is just a tip; before you get married, jog past your friend’s house. Just bump in in the morning and if it takes her thirty minutes to come out – set up! But if she just comes out and you see natural beauty, you are safe because makeup will only enhance what is already there.

Prayer: Father, remake me and change my person into Your mould, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 22 March, 2021, in Christ, Forgiveness, God, Mercy, New Life, Power, Power of God, Resurrection. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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