In His Name, III

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Isa. 11:2 “the Spirit of Yahweh will rest upon him, the Spirit of Extraordinary Wisdom, the Spirit of Perfect Understanding the Spirit of Wise Strategy, the Spirit of Mighty Power, the Spirit of Revelation, and the Spirit of the Fear of Yahweh” (TPT)

What is the point of having counsel if you do not have the might, the strength, the capacity to pull it through? 1 Sam. 30:8 (NKJV) “So David inquired of the Lord, saying, ‘Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?…’” What David was saying is, “I have Your counsel but because everybody is tired, everybody is despondent, they are about to stone me. Will You supply the might?” “And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail, recover all.” The Spirit of Might will rest upon you today, in the Name of Jesus. You will pursue, every ground you have lost, you will surely overtake and without fail, in the Name of Jesus, you will recover all. When the Spirit of Might comes upon you, you will do things that make people marvel. People will look at you and wonder where you are getting the power from. How come he or she is always so fired up? It is the Spirit of Might.

Isa. 11:2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” (emphasis added). The Spirit of Knowledge goes beyond informational knowledge. The knowledge that comes from information is important, but the Spirit of Knowledge goes beyond informational knowledge to revelational knowledge. The knowledge that can only come by the Spirit of God, the knowledge that is not in any textbook. There are things, by the grace of God, that I know that I did not read anywhere. I read a lot and I learn from a lot of great men. But they are some things I know, that I did not read from any text. The Spirit of Knowledge will come upon you, in the Name of Jesus.

“The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord“; what is the connection? The more you know God, the more you fear God. It is the person that does not know God that does not fear Him. God is a terrible warrior. I am sure you have come across people that look down on people that worship God with their all. Do not be angry, just love them because they do not know God. The more you know God, the more you fear Him. David said to God, ‘It is because You are so merciful and because there is forgiveness with You, therefore I am afraid of You’ [Ps.130:4].

People erroneously think that because there is forgiveness and mercy with God, so they can behave like rascals. If you go by head knowledge that is what you would think. But if you understand revelational knowledge; when God reveals Himself to you, and you experience His grace and mercy, your fear of Him increases. Similarly, you cannot really be humble except you really know God. In fact, the extent to which you know God is the extent to which you can truly be humble, try as you may. If you see God as He is, if they open your eyes and you see a bit of His majesty, you will fall on your face and say, “I am undone!”

Prayer: Father, fill me with Your Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, Your Spirit of Counsel and Might, Your Spirit of Knowledge, and the fear of the Lord, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 23 April, 2021, in Counsel, Direction, Fear, Fight, Forgiveness, Fuel up, God, Knowledge, Mercy, Next Step, Restoration. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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