Voices I

Psalm 27:8 “My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

The ability to hear God’s voice is one thing I am totally grateful for and by God’s grace, it pleases Him to speak to me. However, even when I have heard God, I stay there – waiting and watching – maintaining the posture of hearing from God. I want to birth an appetite in you to seek God’s voice for your life over the next few days. So, you need to take the right posture. Hab. 2:1 “I will take my place at the watchtower. I will stand at my post and watch. I will watch and see what He says to me. I need to think about how I should respond to Him when He gets back to me with His answer.” (Voice). You need to take the right posture in your heart, and even with your physical body. What are You saying, oh God?

1Cor.14:10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.” (KJV, emphasis added). There are all kinds of voices out there and none of them is insignificant. People hear all kinds of voices, but you will discern the voice of God in the Name of Jesus. We are going to reel through twelve of such voices, there are more but we will focus on these twelve. The first and the most important of all the voices out there is the voice of God. God speaks to us in our spirit and even to our hearing, God speaks to us in languages that we understand and for some people, God speaks to them in parables. But God speaks. God speaks and I am praying that you will hear God’s voice in the Name of Jesus.

The second voice is the voice of parents. Sometimes, what people are hearing in their minds is the voice of their parents and not the voice of God. God can sometimes use the voice of parents to redirect your life. Yet sometimes it is just purely the voice of your parents you are hearing. The third voice is the voice of a friend. If you want to know what is trending, listen to the voice of your friends. But if you want to know the direction for your destiny, listen to the voice of your Maker, listen to the voice of God. You cannot listen to the voice of your friends and get the direction for your destiny. In fact, this is why a lot of destinies are being ruined because people are listening to the voice of their friends who do not even know their right from their left. Your friends may have strong opinions, but they can be very wrong.

My spiritual father used to say, if you are finding it difficult to know God’s will concerning an issue, call all your friends who do not know God and ask for their opinion. If they tell you to go left, thank them very much and just go right because that is most likely where God is. You need more than the voice of your friends this year and beyond. You need the voice of your God. The fourth is the voice of the adversary. Unfortunately, sometimes people listen to the voice of their adversaries that tell them that they are no good and they are not enough. Do not listen to the voice of your adversaries. There are different kinds of voices, and none is without significance.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me always discern the voice of God, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 8 May, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Advantage, Friendship, God's Voice, Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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