By Yourself, II

Job 22:27-28 “You will pray to Him, and He will hear you, And you will pay your vows. “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.” (AMP).

We will pick up today’s devotion from where we stopped yesterday. To have power with God and man, the first thing is, you have to Learn To Pray By Yourself Without Relying On Someone Else To Pray For You. I shared how while I was waiting to board a flight, I was offered money and a hotel room to stay back and fly the next day because the flight was overbooked. I was upset initially, but instead, I decided to take advantage of the situation. I asked the lady, ‘If I take this offer and I there is still space on this flight, will I still get on this flight?’ She said, ‘Sir, I can assure you, there is no space on the flight. ‘Just answer the question, will I still get on the flight, and will you take your money back?’ She said, ‘No Sir, but there is no space on the flight’. I said, ‘Alright, thank you’. She left, I went to a corner, and prayed, ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the person that needs to be held up in traffic, let them be held up in traffic.’

Kid you not, I locked people down. The bus that was supposed to go to the hotel came and the lady said, ‘You have to go now’ I said, ‘I do not have to go. I am staying’. She said, ‘You will miss the bus’, ‘It is my choice’ I said. Everybody checked in, the desk was clear, but I stayed there. Then she looked up and said, ‘Sir, we have a seat for you’. I took my seat on the flight with free shopping money. The point is this, the capacity to decree a thing, to say this is what it is, and this is what it will be. The capacity to decree that the flight will not go without me, even though I had collected the money, is huge. Will I do that today? Maybe not. The point is, I had the faith to do it and I did it. It comes from you praying and getting influence in heaven by yourself.

Apostle Paul Gitwaza came to minister many years ago. He was on a very tight schedule. He was supposed to end his ministration at about half-past seven, eight o’clock at night and his flight was about nine o’clock out of Nigeria. His protocol people were trying to pressure him to round up at about eight o’clock, but he said that God had not told him to round up his message. He finished preaching at about nine o’clock. You would think he would jump into the car and go, but he said the flight was not going without him. He came to my office, we sat down and chatted. Guess what? The flight was waiting for him when he got to the airport. My friend who was his protocol person told me that it was not that the airline was waiting for any passenger. Something just delayed the flight – unbelievable influence! If he did not feel led by God, obviously, he would not do that.

I am not saying you should live a reckless life and begin to cancel people’s appointments and put traffic on people’s way. That is not what I am saying. In my own situation, I felt there was injustice; they profiled me because I was black. I felt I should show them that I am black, but I am powerful. God wants you to come yourself and I pray that you get this.

Prayer: Father, according to Your Word, I will pray to You alone and I trust that You will hear me. As I decree according to Your will, let it be established, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 11 June, 2022, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Advantage, Anointing, possibilities, Power, Power of God, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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