Profits, II

Ps.91:4 “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armour and protection.”

What happens when we fast? When We Fast, Cleansing Happens – Spirit, Soul, And Body. Secondly, When We Fast, Our Appetite For God Increases. We long for and desire God more. Ps.42:1As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” David was saying to the Lord, less of me – more of You. You build character when you fast because character is dying to self, and God is more expressed in you. For those who are single, you marry for the character, not for the gift. If you marry for the gift, it could be talent, charisma, or finances – it is not enough. You marry for the character.

When We Fast, Sensitivity To God’s Voice Increases. Not only do we desire Him more, but we are also more sensitive to Him. Acts 13:One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” When they were fasting and worshiping, they were more sensitive, and they heard the Holy Spirit speak. As you wait on God this season, you are going to hear God clearly in the Name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will speak to you. The fourth is, When We Fast, We Experience Fulfilment In Our Spirit, Soul, And Body. The truth is a lot of people are not fulfilled; a lot of people are disgruntled. A lot of people are wondering what their purpose on earth is.

When you wait on God, when you fast, you are realigned. You experience the peace of God, and you experience fulfilment in dimensions that cannot be explained. 2Cor.4:17-18 For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.” (NRSV). When you fast, you are positioning yourself for the things that actually can fulfil you. You are positioning yourself for a place where you can experience fulfilment. The reason some people struggle with the things of God is that they are out of sync. In this season, you will be realigned. Ps.122:1I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Were you glad to come into God’s presence today?

When We Fast, Creativity Spikes and Protection Is Secured. Exo.31:2-3 See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability, intelligence, and knowledge in every kind of craft” (Creativity). What does this have to do with fasting? Remember the name Bezalel means he that stands in the shadow of Almighty God. When we fast, we are aligned with God. Our appetite for God increases, we are drawn into Him and like our creativity spikes. When we fast our protection, is secured because we are in His shadows. Ps.91:1When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High” (TPT). When you fast, you tuck your family into God’s protection.

Prayer: Father, You alone are my strength and shield, to You alone may my spirit yield, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 26 June, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Align, Creativity, Fasting, Intimacy with God, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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