
Luke 13:20-21 “He also asked, “What else is the Kingdom of God like? It is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough” (emphasis added).

Jesus is introducing another concept of the kingdom to us. He introduced the concept of ‘occupy’ and now He is introducing the concept of multiply. He says the Kingdom of heaven is like a yeast [it is little] put in a big measure of flower, and the little yeast multiplies its influence until the whole bucket is leavened. A little leaven leavens the whole lump, that is the Kingdom of God. It can start small, but the Kingdom of God can never remain small. Your business, your career, your home, your life, your person should be an extension of the Kingdom of God. God is saying to you today multiply because it is in you to multiply. In other words, if you are a carrier of the Kingdom of God [your product, your service, your solution, or your creative fruit], though you start small, you will not end small.

You will multiply and that is the Word of God for you today. We learnt in days past that we are to secure the garden [take the territory] and be planted. Once we are planted, we should take root downwards and grow. Growth is synonymous with fruit. How you know a plant has grown [matured], is when it is capable of reproducing. How you know your child has matured is when he or she experiences puberty [in human terminology], when he or she is capable of reproducing. Therefore, the proof of maturity is fruit [reproduction]. Similarly, the proof that you are spiritually mature is reproduction. How many people have come to Christ by you? If it is none and you have been existing as a Christian for a while, then there is a problem because when Jesus comes near you, He expects to see fruit. Why? It is because fruit is pivotal [key] to multiplication. Growth and fruit are inseparable; the proof of maturity is reproduction.

I want to encourage you to put a seed before you in this season. That seed in front of you is from a fruit. That seed becomes a plant and then becomes a tree that bears fruit that has seed in it. The seed becomes a plant then becomes a tree that bears fruit that has seed in it. It becomes a plant that grows to become a tree that produces fruit with seeds in it. Can you see multiplication? When God looks at that seed in your hand, He does not just see a seed. God sees a forest in that seed and God wants you to see as He sees. It is not enough to be ‘seed-full’; you have to be fruitful. If you have not deprived it or denied it, you will accept that there is an innate, undeniable desire in you for the infinite. You know the feeling, God put it in there.

You can be more. You can achieve more. You can multiply. Some of you look at yourselves in the mirror and we say, I am more than this and it is not from an arrogant standpoint. It comes from you knowing that you can be more, you can give more, you can produce more, and you can impact more. Guess what? That feeling is God’s seed of greatness in you, and it is coming in contact with water this season and you will multiply in the Name of Jesus.

Prayer: Father, my life is an extension of Your Kingdom, I multiply, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 3 August, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Fruitfulness, Maturity, Planted, Rooted, Roots, Seed, Seed & Harvest. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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