The Covenant

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”’ (NKJV).

Genesis 28:11-15When Jacob reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. He found a smooth stone for a pillow and laid down to sleep. Then GOD GAVE HIM A DREAM in which he saw a stairway going from earth to heaven, and angels of God were going up and down the stairs! At the top of the stairway was God who said, ‘I am the same Lord of Abraham your grandfather and Isaac your father, and I am going to give you and your descendants all the land on which you’re sleeping... and your descendants will spread all around the world, and all the peoples on earth are going to be blessed by your future generations… I’m going to be with you, and I’m going to watch over you wherever you go…” (NIV, paraphrased with emphasis added). Do you receive that? God will be with you wherever you go. Personalize it.

Gen.28:16-22 When Jacob woke up he thought ‘Surely, the Lord is in this place and I was not even aware of it!’ Then he was afraid and said ‘This place is awesome! It’s the house of God – the gateway to heaven!’ So early the next morning, Jacob got up and took the stone he’d used for a pillow and stood it upright as a memorial marker. Then he anointed the stone with oil and named the place Beth-el, which means House of God… Then Jacob made this vow to God, ‘If you’ll be with me, I will honour you with my life and I will give back to you a tenth of all that you give to me.’” (NIV, paraphrased with emphasis added). Here we see another instance of tithing occurring before the law. Tithing has nothing to do with the law from an origin standpoint.

It stems from a relationship. My grandfather, Abraham, walked with You, and this is what he did. So, this is what I am going to do as his grandson. We see from these passages that the blessing will separate covenant people from the pack. It is the blessing of God that separates covenant people from everybody else. When we declared this decade to be the decade of light, the Holy Spirit told us to pronounce these words over you consistently. “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you…” (Numbers 6:24-27). And we have been doing that consistently. So, God has been putting His blessings upon us.

Yes, I believe that God has blessed me, but the question is, how do I walk in the blessing? Some people are blessed, but they are not walking in the blessing. So, how do I walk in the blessing? We will delve into how beginning tomorrow.

Prayer: Father, watch over me and be with me wherever I go. Lord, help me to honour You with the fruit of my life, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 2 July, 2023, in Blessings, Blessings of God, Covenant, God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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