In Time

Ecclesiastes 8:6 “There is a right time and a right way to do everything, but we know so little!” (GNT, emphasis added).

A lot of people seem to have two left legs. It is as if they are always stumbling. They do the right thing at the wrong time and do the wrong thing at the right time. A lot of people are usually out of sync, out of rhythm. I pray today that your life will come into the rhythm of heaven in the Mighty Name of Jesus. However, the Bible says that we know so little, do you agree with that? The truth is that most times, most of us are clueless about the right time and the right way for everything. Sometimes, some people get the right time, but they do not get the right way. Sometimes, people get the right way, but they do not get the right time. And this makes a mess of things. I pray that you will get the right time and the right way in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Why? It is because every great accomplishment involves the element of accurate timing. When footballers are about to play a free kick, they know that the timing of their impact with the ball is very important. Similarly, in business, the time of entry into the deal and seizing the opportunity is very important. Timing is so indispensable in every area of life. In music, timing is very key — bars and rhythm, timing and tempo are very important. If someone can sing well [knows the right way] but does not have the right timing [cannot sync with time], that person should not join the choir; instead, join the prayer department. You need to be able to sing at the right time.

Surfers, for instance, do not create the waves, they just wait for the right time so that they can surf the wave. Some people only get ready after the wave is gone. You need to be in sync with the Holy Spirit and be able to move at the right time. Life challenges and economic challenges are upon everyone, and so many things are out of sync. But, for the child of God, this is an opportunity for heaven because God is sending waves — financial waves, marital waves, waves of fruitfulness, and new babies. God is sending waves upon waves even at this time, and you must know the right way to surf it. Psalm 46:4 “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God…” (NIV).

Similarly, the game of golf is all about timing. Your tempo, your back swing to your follow through, they all rely on good timing. If you can swing well, but you are just swinging hard and your timing is off, your ball is not going to go far. Timing, impacting the ball at the right time, is actually what separates long hitters from most people. In your relationship with your spouse, timing is key for what you say and how you say it.

Prayer:  Father, by Your Holy Spirit, put me in sync with heaven’s timing – that I will act at the right time and in the right way and be filled with wisdom, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 24 July, 2023, in God, God's Timing, Holy Spirit, Sync, Time. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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