The Way Maker

John 11:43-44 “Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”  And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!”


We will kick off today’s devotional with our final thought from yesterday which is, Lazarus was delivered but he was not free. Do you mean that after that powerful Word brought the man from the dead, carried him, and presented him before the people, he still was not free? No! We confuse deliverance with freedom many times. It is one thing to be delivered, but it is another thing entirely to be free. Look at African nations, for instance, we have independence, so we have been delivered, but are we free? If you think African nations are free, then you need to think again. African nations are not yet free; they will be free but not yet.

And in so many people’s situations, they have confused deliverance for freedom. God has delivered you from that person, but you still are not free from the impact of that person. God has delivered you, but you are not free. Before this season is over, you will be free in the Name of Jesus. Deliverance is independence from an oppressor. When there is an oppressor and you are delivered from the oppressor, it means the presence of the oppressor is taken away. The colonial master is out of the picture. Deliverance is independence from an oppressor.

But freedom is the liberty of unhindered expression. He was delivered from death, as powerful as death was, but he was not free to live yet. So, you can be delivered from death and not be free to live. You can actually be delivered from death, you are saved, you are sanctified, you are cleansed, and you are delivered from the power of death. But you are still not free to live. By the time this season is over, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that sackcloth will be taken out. Do not joke with this season. I want you to just stay focused because God is on the move in your life. So, I command every limitation shattered in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

I pray these five ways will be opened to you; the way of Access To Jesus will be opened to you (say Amen). The way of Belief will be opened to you. The way of Concerted Effort will be opened to you. The way of Deliverance will be opened to you. The way of Freedom will be opened to you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. It starts and ends with Jesus, The Way Maker. Every way answers to The Way. Jesus made the way for Lazarus by standing in front of the grave and calling him out, and this is huge and powerful. In our case, Jesus went to the grave to set us free from death. So huge! Jesus opened the way of Salvation to us, please give your life to Him today.


Prayer (song): Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do. ‘Cause Jesus You’re the centre, everything revolves around You, Jesus You… Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 21 November, 2023, in Access, Belief, Deliverance, Expression, Freedom, God, Word. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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