
1 Samuel 9:24 “…Take a look. This was set aside for you. Eat and enjoy it all because this has been reserved for you until the appointed time… So Saul feasted with Samuel the rest of the day.” (Voice)

Do not rush. If you are an entrepreneur, I am sure you have heard the term first movers advantage. Another research shows that the first movers advantage is a myth. The research states that companies that are improvers, not the originators of the ideas, actually do far better than the pioneers. From a statistic standpoint, companies that are pioneers have a failure rate of forty-seven percent (47%). This means that every company that is a pioneer in any field or any endeavour has a chance of failing forty-seven out of a hundred times. But guess what? For improvers, the rate of failure is eight percent (8%) and a ninety-two percent (92%) chance of succeeding. And the reason is they are improving on what somebody else has failed  at. Why do we think we have to do something nobody else has seen? You need to answer the question, do you want to be wealthy, or do you want to fail, what do you want?

I am not saying you should not be innovative; I am saying it is okay to be second. Check technology companies, Microsoft did not innovate many of the things that made them so wealthy. They were not the first to come up with the PC DOS operating system, they copied code. Spreadsheets were not the first. We all know excel, but not many people know Lotus 123. Word processing, not many people know word perfect, but those people actually broke the ground of word processing. But today nobody knows them, why? Microsoft came and improved on it. The graphical user interface, Microsoft was not the first. In fact, there were other Debian-based graphical user interfaces apart from the macOS but the macOS is the one we know. When Apple released the first Mac, Bill gates abused it, he said the graphical user interface was taking power away from the user. Before we knew it Windows95 came out. If not for the revolution of Apple, nobody will know about Apple.

You do not have to be the first; check mobile phones, how many people use a Nokia phone today? Not many people know what the Symbian operating system is but we know the Android operating system. Not many people use the blackberry phone today. But there was  a time that until you   had a blackberry phone, you   did not even have a phone. When the initial versions of the iPhone came out, one of the blackberry chiefs called it a toy. He said that people who want a real device should get a blackberry. Today, blackberry is almost non-existent. After the IOS came out, a year later Android came out. Today Android devices own over seventy-three percent (73%) of the market. What I am saying is being first is overrated. Elisha had a double portion of what Elijah had. If you stay where God wants you to stay, even if you are second, you can have what God wants you to have. So, don’t rush does not mean do not move. Be swift but do not rush. Be swift in your thinking but be controlled in your actions.

Prayer: Father, because I walk in step with the Holy Spirit, I will feast on the portion You have reserved for me to the praise and glory of Your Holy Name, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 18 October, 2022, in Ability, Action, Advantage, comparison, Dominance, Step Up, Study, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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