True Miracle

“Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” Matt.10:7-8 [emphasis added]


A miracle is something that would never have happened if God had not intervened. A miracle reverses or suspends the natural flow of things. Systems are governed by laws such as the law of surface tension that permits a mosquito to stand on water but not a human being. But Jesus suspended that law when He walked on water and extended same to Peter. Why am I even telling you this? God needs to intervene in your life and He will. Sometimes God overturns even what He has put in place to get His people to where He has ordained for them. A true miracle has no other explanation except that God is behind it.

God’s Favourite House is a miracle! By God’s grace alone, I Pastor this church but I am amazed at all that God has done, is doing, and will do. We have seen God do amazing miracles. I mean, things that have no other explanation except that God is behind it. This may sound funny to you perhaps because you are more spiritual than I am. I understand that but I am totally amazed at God. I am also grateful that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Jesus never required payment for a miracle [not once]. It is strange when people claim to minister and require payment [a charge] for it. A lady I met at one of the places I used to hang out, after discovering I Pastor, gave me a list of prayer points and I agreed to pray for her. Time passed and she came back with more prayer points. I agreed to pray for her but at the end of the conversation she said something rather strange, she said she was going to sow a seed. I did not understand it at first and so I asked what the seed was for. And she said you prayed, so I will sow a seed [give you money]. I refused the ‘seed’. Is that what it is about now? Is that what Jesus sent us to do?

There is no genuinely anointed man of God that paid a dime for the anointing. It is a gift! I was confused initially because I did not really understand her. And it is because if you read the scriptures, Jesus encouraged His disciples not to stop people from blessing them. He says a laborer is worthy of his wages; do not stop people from being hospitable. But that is different from – I have prayed for you, this is my account number. Jesus NEVER asked for money. NEVER!


Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace to give as freely as I have received, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 1 February, 2016, in Grace, Holy Spirit, Miracles. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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