Staying Power

Isa.60:1 “Arise, shine;For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you”


The only way to avoid failure is never to try. On this side of eternity, no one is perfect. To overcome the fear of failure you must understand that everybody fails. Jam.3:2 “We all stumble in many ways.” Did the Bible say a few of us, or the mediocre, or the less than perfect stumble? Not at all! The Bible says ALL stumble, including evangelists, business moguls, prophets, leaders, and pastors etcetera. The day you get that, you set yourself free.

Again the Word of God is clear; it says we all stumble not in a few ways or once in a lifetime but rather in many ways. Note that this is not a ticket to stumbling on purpose. If you choose to keep stumbling on purpose, you are not going to get anywhere or make anything out of your life. The point is this; give it your best shot. However, be sure of this, you will stumble and it is okay. Knowing this should actually empower you such that when you fall, you get up immediately. Rom.3:23 “Everyone has sinned.  Everyone falls short of the beauty of God’s plan.” [Phillips]. Calm down and banish the fear of failing because everybody fails.

The second thing we must do to banish the fear of failure is Realize Failure is not Fatal. In other words, failure is not going to kill you. In actual fact, it is the fear of failure that kills more than failing itself. The fear of failure is worse than failure! Pr.24:16 “For even though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” God is showing you and I in His Word that even good people fall. So when you fall, do not take it personally. We often take ourselves too serious. Meanwhile sometimes we just need to laugh at ourselves.

You are going to make mistakes in the new business you start. You are going to make mistakes on your new job. Your child is going to make mistakes in the new class she has just entered. So do not be too hard on yourself or on your children for the mistakes. Think about yourself when you were that age. Did God not help you? Calm down!

Thought: Pro.24:16 “Good people might fall again and again, but they always get up…” [ERV]


Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Words are life to me. Therefore, I arise and shine because the glory of the Living God is risen upon me, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Wednesday 9 August, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Breakthrough, Fear, Help From Above. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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