Category Archives: Honouring God
Propagating the Kingdom
He said to them “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Mark.16:15 (NASB)
God uses the vehicle of the church to spread the Good News. The church is not a house; a lot of us believe that the church is the place of worship. The truth is that we are the church and we meet in a building. The church is not an organization, it is an organism. God will use you and I to propagate the Kingdom. You must evaluate the people around you to see who those close to Read the rest of this entry
Where On Earth Is The Kingdom?
‘Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God will come, He answered them and said, the Kingdom of God does not come with observation’ Luke.17:20.
The domain of the King as scripture rightly points out is in Heaven. However, God is boundless and He has chosen to extend His domain on earth. Are you one of those wondering and perhaps even asking, where on earth is this Kingdom? Jesus gave the perfect answer to the Pharisees who also demanded to know where the Kingdom He always spoke about was; and today that answer Read the rest of this entry
Righteousness, Peace and Joy
‘For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’. Rom.14:17
Examine your life, is yours a reflection of the Kingdom? Are you living righteously, are you experiencing peace and is there joy in your life, home and career? If not, then the Kingdom of God has not been fully established in your life. Paul says, ‘the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’. This means the Kingdom of Read the rest of this entry
Preaching and Pressing!
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. Luke.16:16 [KJV]
There is a preaching of the Kingdom and there is a pressing into the Kingdom; before there can be a reality of the Kingdom. Check every sphere of your life [education, business, health, or marriage] to be sure the Kingdom of God is being revealed. For you to see the manifestation of the Kingdom of God there has to be a preaching. You need to hear a Word, for prosperity and health, and then there has to be a pressing. A preaching of and a pressing into the Kingdom. Many times we hear the Kingdom preached to us over and over again but we are waiting for God to manifest it. At other times we conclude that we have faults and that is why we are not getting the benefits of the Kingdom. The missing link is that you are not pressing into it; today you will press into your inheritance. Preach it, Press in and Take it by Force. ‘And from the time of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violence take it by force’ [Matt.11:12]. You have to violently reclaim your health, finances, marriage, destiny and your inheritance. A lady had labored with her husband for years but as soon as he entered into wealth, his mother introduced a strange woman. The lady’s first response was in the flesh which resulted in her accepting the intrusion. Before long, she had been stripped of all her privileges as his wife. One day, the word came back to her ‘the violent take it by force’ and she began to speak violently to the walls, the water, and everything in her house to eject the strange woman. The strange woman packed her bags and ran. You have heard the Word, don’t try to reason it out – Take It By Force. You know it is God, plus you see and know what God wants to release to you. God has put it in your heart, it has come as a prophesy, and you have heard it preached. It is time to press into it and take it by force.
Prayer: Lord, I have heard Your Word, I receive and press into Your Word concerning my health, marriage, finances, children and my Job. I take my inheritance by Force in Jesus Name.
God’s Kingdom
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in Heaven, so in earth’Luke11:2b [NLT]
The Good News is about the Kingdom [Matt.4:23]. Jesus came to preach the Good News and establish God’s Kingdom in the hearts of men here on earth. When Jesus sent out the disciples, He told them to go and preach the Kingdom of God to everyone. The word Kingdom is derived from two words, King and Domain. The word Kingdom implies that there is a King and that King has an Read the rest of this entry
Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins. Psalm 51:1
I encourage you to read the entire Psalm 51; it is a comprehensive lesson on repentance God’s way. When it comes to sin and repentance, God expects us to respond in three ways. Firstly, we must see that there is a problem. ‘Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love…’ Ps.51:1a. David in his heart accepted that there was a problem and so he sought God for mercy and Read the rest of this entry
It’s All in the Word
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Isa. 55:11
Once God speaks, the Word has enough in its self to bring to pass what God has spoken. God’s Word is potent. When you are standing outside your promise land staring in at the giants that are currently occupying it, what you want most is for God to send a mighty hand but God is sending His potent and timeless Word. The Word that is released to accomplish all that God has Read the rest of this entry
And God Said: Caution
And God said to Balaam, You shall not go with them; you shall not curse the people, for they are blessed. Num.22:12
And God said and He is still saying caution to those who war against you and God’s purposes for you. While God is speaking to you about your destiny in Christ, He is also warning the enemies of your destiny because no one can curse who God has blessed. God acknowledges that favour attracts envy and attacks so He is cautioning everyone who has chosen to attack you. Be alert, Read the rest of this entry
And God Said: Light
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gen.1:3
Every Word God says does not go without accomplishing what God has sent it to do. ‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light’. Be assured that every Word God has said concerning you will definitely complete its purpose in your life. What God has said, He is saying and He will continue to say. Take God’s Word and personalize it, are you experiencing darkness in any part of Read the rest of this entry
Keys to Please II
God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. Matt.5:8
Guard your heart because your life flows from your heart. What you do shows the state of your heart. I am sure you hear this often, people being corrected perhaps for the way they dress and they immediately say ‘God sees my heart’. God is saying you need to get that heart right because your life flows from your heart. Your heart explains why you ask God for what you ask for.
The heart explains why you really brought that need to God in prayer. This may seem simple but it will change your life – check your heart. When the pressure of life comes, because it will come, you must guard your heart with all that you have. If you succeeded in guarding your heart, the springs of life will yet flow again. However, if your heart gets corrupt in the process [defiled or hardened], then God has a problem with that. The reason why a number of us are where we are today, devoid of progress, is because of our hearts. Some people have such an unforgiving heart. You have chosen not to forgive the man that you can see but you are asking God for forgiveness. God wants you to forgive and not payback evil for evil. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. God does not want us to rejoice when He is dealing with our enemies or those that are against us. Forgiveness must be total, even between men, because if you rejoice at their suffering, God will stop their suffering. He will start to bless them before your eyes. Be gracious, this is what God wants. Are you in agreement with God, can you say that in your life you are in agreement with God and walking with God and pleasing him.
Prayer: Lord, please teach me complete forgiveness. I choose to agree with You and please You all my days in Jesus Name.