Category Archives: Learn

His Image

1 Sam.3:19 “As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said, proved to be reliable.”


The second thing that excellent people do is sharpen their skills. So, rate yourself; how are your job skills? You need to be brutal with yourself in your assessment. If your job skills are obsolete, then you are a one. If you are learning, then you are a five. A ten is if you have a developmental plan. Read the rest of this entry

Study + Recall = Thrive

Prov.19:8 (GN) “Do yourself a favour and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper  [with emphasis].


I would like us to start today’s devotion reading a procrastination poem that I came across.

I’ve gone for a drink & sharpened my pencils.

Searched thru my desk for forgotten utensils Read the rest of this entry