Category Archives: Relationship

Relational Clarity

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”  1Cor.13:13[NIV].


The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your relationships. The quality of your life is not directly proportional to the quality of things that you own. The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your relationships. If your relationships are sour, your life will be sour. Unfortunately, because we struggle in our relationships, we try to fill our lives with things. So we end up loving things and using people. It is a trap you should not fall into. God wants us to love people and use things.

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Love’s Sake II

“Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God” 2 Cor.7:1.


Yesterday, we established that as far as sexual purity is concerned, you are going to have options but by the grace of God, by your determination and by your willingness to be accountable to other Christians, you will prevail. I have been married now for almost fifteen years and I can tell you that by my determination and by my accountability to other Christian Read the rest of this entry

Off Limits!

“Bad companions ruin good character.”  1 Cor. 15:33 [GN]


When affairs and illicit sex happen, they happen with three main categories of people. The first category is friends [family friends]. It is well documented that most affairs occur between couples that are friends. Why am I exposing this? It is so that you know what to watch out for and what to guard against. Does it mean you would not have friends? Of course you should have friends. Your friend came to visit with your family, then you leave her at midnight to watch a Read the rest of this entry

Time & Trouble

“Take the time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit” 1 Tim.4:7 [Ph, emphasis added].


For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Rom.1:20. You and I are without excuse, because spiritual things are clearly revealed even in our daily living. Take physical fitness for instance, if you want to be physically fit it is going to take time and trouble. You have to take the trouble to wake up early to jog, to go to Read the rest of this entry

Yours vs. His


“Don’t be selfish…  Be humble….  Don’t think only about your own affairs, be interested in others too, and what they are doing.  Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.  Though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights.”  Phil. 2:3-6[ emphasis added]


When you are really in Christ Jesus, you have given your rights to God. That is what being a Christian is. If people really understand this, all the stress in marriages will go. The problem with us is that we confuse our wants with our rights. Read the rest of this entry

Dealing With Conflict


Don’t be selfish…  Be humble….  Don’t think only about your own affairs, be interested in others too, and what they are doing.  Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.  Though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights.”  Phil. 2:3-6


Three things jump out at us from this passage of Scripture. The first of which is Selfishness. It is my way or the high way. Folks that do not get their way by bullying, try to get their way by manipulations. It is still selfishness. The second thing we see there is Pride. God says be humble because when we act in pride, we tend to be demanding and unsympathetic.

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Your Focus

You should keep a clear mind in every situation. 2 Tim. 4:5 [emphasis added]


The second type of stress is the Stress of Conflict. We are all different and because of this, conflict is an inevitable part of life. Conflict is never fun; it can be stressful. I do not enjoy conflict. The difference is that I have just accepted that it is a part of life and that is why it appears that I respond appropriately with conflict. So how does one eradicate conflict?

#1. In conflicting situations, the first thing you do is Change Your Focus. Change your focus from your needs to the Read the rest of this entry


Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in usEph.3:20 [Voice, emphasis added]


Intention is key in any relationship. It is more important to know the intention of a gift than to receive the gift. Which is why I often say to ladies, what are the intentions of the gentleman that keeps buying you gifts? There is no such thing as he is just kind hearted; find out his intentions. Am I saying a man cannot just have good intentions? There is no free lunch in Freetown, they say. Am I saying people cannot give you gifts out of a good heart? My question is, can a man Read the rest of this entry

Speak The Word

The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “let there be light,” and there was light” Gen.1:2-3 [emphasis added]


#2. Speak His Prophetic Word. I need to do my part to unleash the Power of the Holy Ghost to do that which I cannot do. Once I am aligned with God, the next thing I need to do is speak His prophetic Word. “Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!” Eze.37:4 [emphasis added]. He did not say think, He did not say imagine, and He did not say mutter. You can have a prophetic message from God, but until you speak it nothing happens.

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“Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?” Eze.37:3


To unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit, to unleash the Spirit of God in our favour, there are two things that you and I must do.

#1. Align With God.  To unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in your favor, you need to align with God. You have your own ideas; agreed. Some people even have their own idea of how God should be God. They look at how the whole world is and say, God, if I were God I can do a better job. Arrogance! You think you are better than God? Align with God, that is the first thing you need to do. And I will show you in Scripture.

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