Our Vision

To be filled with the life of Christ Jesus and released into our destinies, taking the world for Him.

Our Mission

Changed Lives!

We actively reach out to embrace people of all ages, races, social and economic backgrounds. We love God passionately, we love people unconditionally and we live life purposefully. We believe in our nation and we are totally committed to serving the purposes of God in our generation so that the people that are far from God can be filled with the Life of Christ Jesus!

Our Values

We Value A Servant’s Spirit

At GFH, we believe that the highest calling of every Christian is to be a servant. Jesus came to serve. We are saved to serve. We are here to serve.

We Value Diversity

No two people are the same, not even identical twins. We see strength in our diversity. We value our differences. We build on our strengths so that our weaknesses become irrelevant.

We Value Informality

At GFH, it is more important to be personal than to be professional. As professional as we are, we choose informality over professionalism when it comes to relating with people. We are personal in treating people rather than treating people professionally.

We Value Simplicity

The simplest is always the strongest. We enjoy our lives more when we simplify them. We believe that the simple life is the most gratifying. The simplest messages are the easiest to remember.

We Value Flexibility

“Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken”. If you are brittle, you are going to break in GFH. We move with flexibility and speed. Things change at an interesting rate in GFH. The only thing not subject to change is our love for Jesus.

We Value Team Work

We are not concerned about who takes the credit; we give the glory to Jesus. We place the unity of our church family over individual preferences. We actually believe that two are better than one. None of us is stronger than all of us. None of us is more anointed than all of us.

We Value Continuous Learning

Everyone is a leader in one capacity or the other. At GFH, we believe that all leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning you stop leading. Information is the breakfast of champions!

We Value Innovation

Our God is creative. We believe that innovation and creativity should flow from us as God’s children. Excellence is the product of creativity and innovation. At GFH we are committed to excellence, because excellence glorifies God and inspires people.

We Value Humor

Maturity is the ability to laugh at yourself. We take our God seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Humor and humility come from the same root word: humus (soil). It takes humility to have a sense of humor. We laugh a lot!

We Value Authenticity

In God's Favourite House, Integrity is the highest value in ministry.

We Value Commitment

We are committed to our God; we are committed to ourselves; we are committed to our church. Nothing happens in life without commitment. We believe that the cause is worth the cost.

We Value Risk Taking (Faith)

In GFH, there are “No Small Dreams” (NSD). NSD has become our mantra. We believe in taking bold steps for Jesus.