Fly Again

“Then he said, “The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom. The greatest person in God’s kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child” Matt.18:3-4.


Over the next few weeks we will be learning how to make our lives count and I am confident that God will change your lives completely. This was birthed from a process God took me through. When we were growing up a lot of us, if not all of us made statements like this, ‘when I grow up I want to…’ ‘When I grow up I will…’. But recently, I realized that I now say ‘before I die I would…’. I know some of us have not quite articulated our thoughts in this area but we have been thinking about it. And those thoughts are definitely not on the ‘when I grow up’ spectrum. If your thoughts are still on the ‘when I grow up’ spectrum, your children will soon ask ‘when will you grow up?’ We are all somewhere in this spectrum. Some of us are still saying ‘when I grow up’ at forty. When I grow up? While some of us are transitioning and some people have been thinking the exact way I am thinking.

The young mind wants to sky dive, be a pastor, be an oil magnet, a football coach, or even win ten Grammy awards. And the older mind is focused on relationships, leaving a legacy, building a foundation. When we were younger, we had no limitation to our thinking. We could think in any direction because we wanted to be many things. When I was younger, I wanted to be a pilot. But as God will have it, I am a Pastor today. I honestly used to wonder about what happened to my dreams of being a pilot and it occurred to me that I am actually a pilot; piloting souls to eternity. Is that not even more serious than being a licensed pilot? Do I still want to fly a plane? Yes I do and I will [say amen]. I know the thought that just crossed your mind is, grow up! But my point is this, as we grow up life happens. We hit roadblocks, we get hurt, and we gather what we term ‘experiences’. While experiences are good but those experiences for a lot of people have become a cage. A lot of people are living in a cage built with experiences and those experiences form their limitations. So a young man says he wants to go sky diving, for instance. And an older man advices him from ‘experience’ not to think about sky diving because he broke his leg trying to jump from three feet above the ground. Yet God is saying to you today, do not let your experiences become your limitations, do not let your experience cage you, do not let your experience define your reality. I am not saying you should deny your experiences, learn from them but guess what? God wants you to spread your wings and fly again. So you need to ask yourself what is that thing that is actually limiting you and preventing you from being the person God has created you to be. Give time to thinking about and confronting those things today.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help me get rid of the limitations I have allowed experiences create in my mind, please help me be who God has called me to be, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Friday 12 June, 2015, in Breakthrough, Faith, Holy Spirit. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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