Let God Dictate

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine” Isa.55:8


There was an experiment done a while back that has become a popular story today and I want to share that story with you. Monkeys are typically about three feet tall but they can scale a height of about seven feet or higher because the monkey is designed to jump. In the experiment they put a monkey in a cage and put a transparent roof over the cage at about five feet. They observed that the monkey would jump, hit the roof, and come back down. The monkey did this several times but kept hitting the roof placed over it. After a while, the roof was removed and that same monkey that was designed to scale seven feet and above could not jump higher than five feet. The monkey still had the ability to scale seven feet but the monkey had gathered ‘experiences’. There are people that base everything they say on their experiences. If you allow someone hand you his or her limitations, you would have succeeded in short changing your destiny. Do not allow someone else hand over his or her own limitations to you or tell you certain things ‘cannot’ be done because he or she has experience in such things. I understand that people have experiences and we can learn from such experiences, but let God determine how far you go.

I have had single ladies tell me they are not even sure they want to get married even though they know they are going to get married. And I know that if such ladies get married that is a disaster waiting to happen. When I ask why, the answers are usually very similar – all men are liars and then they go on to cite every example of every man who ever lied and left them or they had to leave. My response usually is, that is a lie, I am a man and I am not a liar. You know what they always say next? But you are married and men like you are no longer available. Now that is a lie! But the truth is there will be other ladies that will say to God if there is only one truthful man on earth I know you have reserved him for me. My question to you is who will get married to the right person? You cannot afford to define your life by your failings! Today God is saying yes you had those experiences but what He has planned for you eyes have not seen [say amen], neither have ears have not heard. And so to help us, I want us to do a little task. Ask your friends what their best wishes are for you. Take time out to imagine whatever they tell you. Guess what? God is going to do far beyond all they have said and you can imagine and He is going to do it for you. You know why? What He wants to do hasn’t even entered into the mind of man [Isa.64:4].


Prayer: Lord Jesus, all that is left is to say thank You for that which eyes have never seen, things that ears have never heard, and a testimony so great it has never before be imagined by any man, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Saturday 13 June, 2015, in Breakthrough, Comfort, Destiny, Marriage. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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