Stop! Think! Check!

“And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word”       Acts 4:29 [emphasis added].

Pastor Craig Groeschel says, “What you pray for reflects what you believe about God”. What you pray for tells the story of what you believe about God. So the question is what have you been praying about? Stop, think, and check! What have I been praying for? Ask yourself, what have I been praying for this season because what you pray for reflects what you believe about God. Your prayers show your heart about God. For some people their prayers have been centered on their football team winning the tournament. Maybe God is interested in that, I do not know. Yet for others what they are praying for is that God will remove the pimple on their face. It is funny but that is what some people are praying for. I am not saying God is not interested in those things, I am not saying God is not interested in whatever bothers you. However because these prayers originate from you it is a reflection of how you see God. So if your prayers are selfish prayers it shows that you believe that God exists for you. Check your prayers if it is all about you and how you can get promoted and how God can bless and promote your spouse or God can make sure there is no tight budget in the house. If all you are praying for is yourself it shows that you believe that God exist for you. I have news for you God exist beyond you. So do this simple exercise with me, say out loud ten times ‘it is not about me’.

If your prayers are small prayers it shows that you lack faith in God. It means you do not really believe God answers prayers. And if you do not pray at all it shows us that you do not even regard God. You may believe in Him but you do not regard Him. And for some, like a lot of people are saying in this Nigeria at the moment is everything about prayer? The answer is yes. Is it prayers that will save Nigeria? The answer is yes because without prayers this nation is totally gone. Without the prayers of God’s people in this nation, Nigeria is gone. Am I saying faith without works? No. There is a place for works but any life, any home, any church, and any nation that is not held together with the fabric of prayer is going to disintegrate. So what should we be praying for? You should be praying for great things. You should be praying bold prayers. How do you know you are praying bold prayers? The question is what will happen to the world if the God should answer everything on your current prayer list?


Prayer: Father, I ask that You will enlarge my vision and give me great boldness in the place of prayer, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Thursday 10 September, 2015, in Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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