His Channels VI

Gen.20:3 “But that night God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “You are a dead man, for that woman you have taken is already married!”


Channel #7: God speaks through Expressions of the Holy Spirit. God speaks to us through expressions of the Holy Spirit. And this is the one channel. However, when it comes to hearing from the Holy Spirit, there are two extremes. On one extreme are the people that say God does not speak. So even when they are in a place where God is speaking through ministry gifts or other channels, they are unable to receive because their position zones them out. On the other extreme are those that say everything they hear is from God.

My heart goes out to people on both extremes. For the first group, there comes a time in every man’s life when he needs divine intervention. But he says God does not speak, meaning he does not know how to hear from God, meaning he will be in serious trouble. There was a time in my life that I needed to step back, dig in and hear God. And once I heard God, things became easy. But if I could not hear God I would have remained in trouble. For the other extreme that believe that everything they hear is from God, their own hearts’ lust may be speaking and they will believe that it is God speaking to them. Be careful of people who believe every voice speaking, is from God.

So what are the expressions of the Holy Spirit? There are a lot of them but for starters, we will learn about four over the next few days. I know of a minister that while he is ministering, the Holy Spirit would write a scripture on perhaps the left wall of the auditorium. So he knows that there is someone on that side of the auditorium that that Word is for.

There are many different expressions of the Holy Spirit and the first one we will be looking at, is Dreams. God speaks to us through dreams. Joseph is a classic example. I know that dreams have been abused and bastardized but God still speaks through dreams. The dream channel is unreliable and has a lot of interference because there is a lot of noise. Most of your dreams are just your brain reorganizing information or your own wishful thinking or the result of the preoccupation of your mind. But as unreliable as your dreams are, sometimes God still speaks through dreams.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, regardless of the channel You speak through, let Your voice be clear to me and let me not miss Your leading, in Jesus Name. Amen

Posted on Thursday 2 February, 2017, in Counsel, Direction, Hearing from God, Holy Spirit. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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