Banish Fear

Ps.91:5 “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night…”


Fear is a major factor we have to overcome in our quest to breakthrough in fruitfulness financially, in the fruit of our body, and in our relationships. The enemy uses fear to keep a lot of people barren in their bodies, in their minds, in their finances, in their business, or in the assignment that God has for them. A lot of people are barren because they are afraid that they will “not make it”. Even right now, the enemy is saying to you, “How can you be talking about being fruitful, don’t you know your history?” The enemy is just trying to instill fear in you but he will fail in your case. And beginning from today, every fear in your life will be banished and will lose its hold, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

The presence of fear does not mean disaster. The presence of fear just means there is something at stake. We all need to look at fear in the right perspective. Imagine you play on your nation’s soccer team and it is the final game in a tournament. You have been selected to take the deciding penalty shot. If you score, your team and country wins but, if you do not score, the opportunity is lost. Regardless of how skilled you are, when you stand behind the ball, your heart is going to pound. But the greatest players, in spite of their pounding heart, will step up to the line and take the shot.

Fear does not mean anything. For some reading this today, in this month you are going to become pregnant and the enemy is going to try to put fear in you. The enemy will tell you that you have made a mistake so the pregnancy will not survive after three months. Just laugh because it means there is something at stake. God is saying to you, “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night…” God is not saying you should deny the terrors. He is saying that, even though the terrors are present, do not be afraid.

Terror actually means extreme fear. God is saying when faced with extreme fear, do not be afraid. A lot of destinies have been aborted because of it; not because the devil is strong but because we give in to it. Make up your mind not to give in to fear.


Prayer: Lord, I declare in the Name of Jesus that fear will not abort fruitfulness in my life. I will be exceedingly fruitful because God says so, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 22 June, 2017, in Budget, Fear, Fruitfulness. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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