Domain Based I

Matt.6:34 “So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today” [Voice]

You are not accountable for what you do not know. As far as God has hidden it, you are not accountable for it; so relax! Before you start worrying about what you do not know, the question is what have you done about the things you know? It is the things you know, the things already revealed that God will hold you accountable for. The things that God has spoken to your spirit, what have you done about it? Act on those things and stop worrying about what God has not revealed. Deal with what He has revealed and watch Him reveal much more.

God obviously reveals the future but no man knows the future. Is this a contradiction? Not at all! It simply means that except God reveals the future, no man can know it. But Jesus is telling me and you not to worry about the future. So when you worry about the future, you are disobeying God. It is possible not to worry about the future. Jesus would never ask us to do something He has not equipped us to do.

I need to explain how the spiritual works. There is knowledge in the spirit realm and that knowledge is divided into two categories – the information in the public domain and the information in the private domain of God. The information in the public domain is accessible to anybody that has access to the spirit realm – witches, wizards, Christians, muslims, alfas, pastors, etcetera. Anyone that can connect to it will get it. This is why it bothers me when people are quick to believe that anyone one that has information is hearing from God. Sorry to disappoint you but that is not a criteria.

That is why Saul could go to a medium to consult and the information he got was accurate even though it was a demon that impersonated Samuel. It is false to think that information from the negative supernatural is not correct. Do not deceive yourself; the information they get from the public domain is accurate. It is like a radio frequency; anyone that has a receiver and tunes in, can get the signal. Yet certain signals are scrambled; they are not accessible and those are the secret things of God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, the secret things are Yours, please help me do the things that You have revealed and spoken to my spirit, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 7 September, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Supernatural access, Truth, Wisdom, Worry. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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