
Job 38:1 “Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind: 2 “Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? 3 Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them”

God does not want us to lose sight of the fact that He is undeniably God and that we need Him for miracles to happen. Please read Job 38:1-21. God does not usually speak in a whirlwind but when God speaks to you in a whirlwind, you know there is trouble. Picture the beach for a moment and how the waves charge towards you; but they get to a point and they run back. God actually put a barrier for the sea; you cannot see the barrier but the waves know it. The reason there is erosion is because man has pushed back the water. The point is this – God is awesome.

Job 38: 19 “Where does light come from, and where does darkness go? 20 Can you take each to its home? Do you know how to get there? 21 But of course you know all this!
For you were born before it was all created, and you are so very experienced”. God is showing us through Job that man knows nothing. Man knows nothing so what makes man feel so important? Without God we are nothing. And David asked this question which comes naturally after you read such scriptures, “Why is God so mindful of man? Why is He so interested in us because He obviously does not need us for anything”. The answer is- it is because God loves us; that is why He is so interested in us. So the sensible thing is to do away with arrogance and relax in His love.

In working of miracles, there is a God part and there is a man part, which makes us partners with God. But we must never forget whose part is indispensable. 1Cor.3:9 “For we are labourers together with God…” And to labour with God, to be on a project with God, you must know what to do. It is a huge pain to be on a project with someone and the person is clueless about what to do. You do your part but the person does not know what to do and eventually drags the whole project down. If you are going to work miracles, you are going to cooperate with God. You must know your part and God obviously will do His part.

Prayer: Father, that You would choose me to labour with You is a huge privilege. Help me to also come before You prepared, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 10 October, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Faith, Miracles, Serving, Vision. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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