Acts And Ways

Ps.103:7 “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel” [KJV]

To labour [work] with God, you must know what to do. In working with God you must understand that there are the Acts of God, which are the miracles that we see. And there are the Ways of God, which is how the miracles come to be. “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel”. God showed Moses His ways, the workings of the miracles. But He showed the miracles, the end results, to the children of Israel.

The parting of the Red Sea is an act of God. Moses knew how the Red Sea parted but the Israelites just saw the Red Sea part. Feeding of the people with quail, water from the rock, pillar of fire by night and pillar of cloud by the day; these are the acts [miracles] of God. But Moses knew the ways [the workings] of those miracles. But in the New Testament, in the new dispensation, God does not want us to be like that. The ways of God are not the exclusive preserve of the pastors, the evangelist, the prophets, or the bishops. The ways of God are available to all His children. God wants you to know His ways. Say out loud – “God wants me to know His ways”. Believe it because God really does.

Job 38:33 “Do you know the laws of the universe [ordinances of heaven]? Can you use them to regulate the earth?” [with emphasis]. In other words, if you knew the ordinances of heaven, you can regulate the earth. If you knew the laws of heaven [the universe, the ways of God], you can regulate the earth. You can influence your own life. I know someone that if you borrow his car and you tell him you are going to Point A, please ensure you only go to Point A and back. If you attempt to drive that car beyond Point A, the car will shut down. I know some people will not believe it but that is fine. The point is that you can regulate the earth if you know the ordinances of heaven. To know the ways of God is not just to know His formulas, it is to know His heart also. Ps.103:7 “He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel”. In the New Living Translation it reads, “He revealed His character to Moses but His deeds to the children of Israel”.

Prayer: Holy Ghost, please show me God’s ways and reveal the heart of the Father to me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 11 October, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Miracles, Revelation, Supernatural access. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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